Kiss Me in the Dark Anthology - Monica James Page 0,21

against the floor, awaiting my response, I cave. “Fine.”

He clears his throat while it takes all my willpower to yield. “Yes…мастер.” I don’t know what I just called him since my pronunciation is horrible, but he nods once.

Victorious, he stands. I want to cut out my tongue. “Good. You behave; I reward you. You don’t; I punish you.”

But it’s not that simple. “What happened to my husband?” I ask quickly, afraid he’s going to leave me down here for another two days.

“Forget him,” he snaps, surprising me.

The ring on my finger burns in defiance because I will do no such thing. “He will be looking for me.”

“Don’t hold your breath.” I open my mouth, intent on arguing, but Saint hints this conversation is done. “I’m going to uncuff you, and then you’re going to take a shower.”

That sounds like heaven, but what’s the catch?

He reads my suspicion instantly. “This is your reward for listening. Would you like to take a shower?”

He waits patiently while I grind my teeth. “Yes.” When he folds his arms across his chest, I add, “мастер.”

I may as well have told him to go fuck himself, but he seems pleased.

He loops the chain out from under his shirt and eyes me closely as he bends low to unlock my cuff. We lock gazes, and I can’t keep the contempt from mine while he can’t mask the triumph in his. The moment I’m free, I rub my wrist, which is red and raw. The skin is grazed and swollen.

He walks over to a white waterproof box in the corner and opens it, revealing a stack of clothes inside. They are clearly for me. When I see a white bra and matching underwear on top of what looks like a yellow sundress, I sigh in relief.

He offers it to me while I purse my lips with my head tilted to the side. I can’t help but feel this comes with strings attached. However, the need to shower wins out, and I stand wearily as I haven’t used my legs for two days.

I stagger forward, the sting in my ass reminding me of what transpired between Saint and me. My cheeks flourish a deep crimson, but I snatch the clothes from his hand and await further instruction. He hums low, satisfied by my submission.

“Here.” He opens the box once again, and I almost cry in happiness when he produces a toiletry bag filled with shampoo, conditioner, toothpaste, and everything else a girl who hasn’t had a proper shower in four days would need.

“Thank you.” It comes naturally, but Saint nods once.

Now the kicker.

There is no way I’m undressing with him in here. When I stand firm, he knows it.

“Cut the innocent act. Undress now.”

His judgment of me pisses me off, and I come apart. “It’s not an act,” I state defensively. When those green eyes widen, I arch a defying brow. “Where I’m from, saving yourself for marriage isn’t a crime. Stop looking at me like that.”

It’s not like I haven’t heard it before, but it still riles me up. It’s no one’s business but my own.

But what Saint says next has me gasping. “Where I’m from…it is a crime. A crime against you.” He sighs, heavy with burden.

What the hell does that mean?

“Where exactly are you from?” I’m speaking out of line, but his reaction confuses me. He almost looks…saddened by the fact.

He steps forward, and I’m engulfed in his spice as he towers over me. “A world you don’t belong in.”

The air suddenly sizzles, and a palpable electricity has the hair on the back of my neck standing on end. I have so many more questions, but he makes it clear that question time is over as he cocks his head toward the shower.

“You have ten minutes.”

I blink once, stunned he’s going to let me shower alone.

I don’t waste a second and quickly hobble toward the bathroom, sighing when I hear him march up the stairs and close the hatch behind him. With this newfound freedom, I don’t know what to do first. I have a bad case of cotton mouth, so I decide to brush my teeth.

When I peer at my reflection in the mirror, I stagger back, covering my mouth in horror. I barely recognize myself.

Caked in blood and my eyes wild, my soiled appearance scares me. Is this what I have become?

Unable to face the truth, I strip and toss my clothes into the corner of the room. The moment I step into the Copyright 2016 - 2024