Kiss Me in the Dark Anthology - Monica James Page 0,13

away. I don’t want them to see.” I know this is absurd as I model for a living, and most times, I don’t wear much to those shoots, but that’s different. That’s work, and this is…something else.

“Don’t be shy. They’ve seen plenty of ass and tits before, believe me.”

I flush all over as his bluntness catches me unaware. “Well, congratulations to them, but they haven’t seen mine, and I would prefer to keep it that way.”

I’m expecting him to tell me to stop being so precious, but when he shouts, “Go,” I almost fall over my feet.

They exchange words in Russian, a few expletives I believe, before I hear them rise and pound down the stairs. The hatch slams shut, leaving me alone with my captor.

“Your wish is my command. Now hurry up.” He’s running out of patience. Not wanting to push him more than I already have, I spin around, surprised to see his pants are still on.

But I soon recover. “You too.”

“Me too what?” he asks, the vibrant yellow in his eyes challenging the golden sun.

“You leave as well.”

“Nice try, but I don’t think so.” When he stands with his arms folded, legs apart, I know this is the best I’m going to get.

“Fine.” Sighing, I pretend I’m just at a photo shoot as I turn my back and lift the hem of my soiled dress over my head. I toss it to the floor, standing in my white underwear and matching bra. Instantly, I wrap an arm around me to cover my breasts.

Saint is quiet. I nervously shuffle my feet.

“You done?” I’m surprised he’s given me the option of keeping my undergarments on.

I nod quickly.

My hair whips in the wind, and the sun thaws the chill from my skin. It’s actually quite pleasant up here. Too bad I can’t enjoy it, seeing as I’m a prisoner. Looking over the edge, I see that the jump isn’t too far, but I’m not worried about that. I’m desperately seeking a way to escape.

Maybe luck will be on my side, and a passing ship will save me. Or a massive wave will sweep me toward shore. All unlikely scenarios, but I will take my chances because I will take drowning over getting back onto this boat.

I shuffle forward, stepping over the silver railing and standing on the tip of the boat. Luckily, I have no fear of the water, and fortunately, I’m a damn good swimmer. With a kick of adrenaline, I take my leap of faith to what was supposed to be my freedom. But when I hear a snap around my wrist and a heavy weight crashing into the water with me, I realize I’ve just jumped holding an anchor.

I submerge fast, the water sucking me under, and as I sink, I fight the urge to kick back up and break the surface. Drowning would be less painful than having to deal with Saint, who handcuffed himself to me right before I jumped. He’s always two steps in front of me—so much for outsmarting him.

He wraps his arm around my waist as he swims us toward the surface. When we emerge, I take a deep breath. Saint does the same.

“You asshole! You could have killed us!” Those words are ridiculous in light of our current situation, but when I go, it’ll be by my hand, and that hand will not be attached to his.

He laughs, and I notice his teeth are a sharp shade of white. The top ones are perfectly straight; however, the two bottom middle ones are slightly crooked. “Hardly. Besides, you said you’d drown. I wouldn’t want that.”

“Ugh!” I groan, attempting to swim away from him, but I can’t, seeing as we’re handcuffed to one another.

He digs around in his pocket with his non-cuffed hand and produces a bar of soap. “It’s lavender.”

I snatch it from his palm, scowling. When we make contact, however, I notice he flinches. It seems he doesn’t like to be touched.

“This is the reason you want me to wash out here, isn’t it? So you can watch me?” The bathroom is tiny, and there is no way we’d both fit in there. He clearly doesn’t trust me, but he respects my privacy. So this is the happy medium.

Saint doesn’t reply. Instead, he twirls his finger in the air, hinting I’m to hurry up.

Not interested in being tied to him for longer than I have to, I unwrap the soap and lather it up as best I can. I dip my Copyright 2016 - 2024