Kiss Me in the Dark Anthology - Monica James Page 0,124

right here.” As he says here, I grow dizzy when stars dance around me. Despite my feeling afraid and betrayed, my body reacts. It embarrasses me and a shameful crimson heats my skin.

“Your skin is telling me you like this and I’m so glad. I want to prove to you my experience over his. That night, when I came for you, I could see the bored look in your eyes. I can assure you, when I’m between your legs, you’ll only be thinking about me.”

I swallow and close my eyes. Maybe I can pretend I’m someplace else. For a moment pretend it’s Brandon instead, so I can endure the punishment he’s about to unleash. The bed squeaks and I ignore it, clenching my eyes tighter.

I can do this.

Think of spiky brown hair.

Think of the sweet smile of my boyfriend.

Think about anything other than the—

“Oh!” I screech and yank my eyes open against my will.

Gabe raises a smug brow at me as his thick, wide tongue plows between my lips, dragging pleasure in its wake. His thumbs dig brutally into my thighs and I yelp. I don’t want to watch him but I’m snared in his stare.

So hungry.

So primal.

So evil.

One hand leaves my thigh and he pushes a finger into my body. It’s uncomfortable but not unpleasant. And with the way he’s licking and sucking in all the spots Brandon couldn’t find just days ago, I’m starting to lose my hold on sanity. It’s hard to be upset and afraid when my body is being overwhelmed with such unimaginable sensations.

Concentrate, Baylee! He’s a monster!

My breath stills in my throat as he curves his finger inside of me. He’s probing parts of me that haven’t been ever touched. It frightens me but my stupid body is rocking against him—betraying me. Again.

His teeth press down on my clit and I shriek in fear. But he doesn’t hurt me. It’s like he knows exactly what feels good and soon my fight begins to weaken. My thoughts are jumbled. All I can focus on is the way he tastes me. The slurping, ravenous noises that come from him. How his hot breath tickles me. And the way his fingers own the inside of me.

My thoughts dull as sensations take over. I’m no longer able to grasp on to the rational part of my head because all I can think about is the way my body has come alive.

A strange feeling takes hold inside me, an awareness that is as basic and simplistic as male and female, night and day, predator and prey. Yes, I am terrified. But there is also this undercurrent of something else. Something larger. Lust? Maybe. I have fantasized about this guy, dreamed about him touching me. I have hungered for his eyes on my naked skin. Imagined his mouth on my breasts. And now, here he is, touching me. And it is nothing like I had imagined.

It’s too much.

Yet, it’s not enough.

There’s more, I can feel it.

Another nibble on my clit has me shrieking out in pleasure. This seems to excite him because he growls against my wet body and I shudder in response. My body stretches as he inserts another finger. So full with him. So overwhelmed by him. Even his manly scent has overpowered the earlier bacon aroma and taken root in my lungs.

I’m completely at his mercy.

Cast under his evil spell.

His spit and juices from my body are running down the clean crack of my butt and I want to be embarrassed. I want to squirm away from him. But, right now, I can’t. My body is selfish for this moment after so many days of horror. The pleasure is as addicting as the water I greedily consumed.

I need this.

I need this to survive.

“Oh God,” I mewl. “Oh God.”

And then it happens.

One more hard suck of my clit seems to rip me open. An unearthly moan pours from me as my nerve endings come alive. I can feel them all at once, everywhere, and they seize me. Each and every one of them takes hold of me, clenching in ecstasy. My head throbs in unison with my wild heart and I nearly black out from desire.

It’s overwhelming.

But for some sick reason, my body responds as if it needs this pleasure for nourishment, despite the horrified and disgusted thoughts running through my mind.

As my body shudders, it starts to leave as quickly as it arrived. His tongue still works me but he’s slowed as if he knows this orgasm Copyright 2016 - 2024