To Kiss a Highland Rose (Kiss the Wallflower #6) - Tamara Gill Page 0,35

He'd even tried to form his own lips and tongue around the words himself, but they would not form. They became tangled, muddled, and would not declare themselves to her.

Instead, he opted to kiss her, show her with his body what she meant to him. What her honestly made him feel.

What she made him feel.


Chapter 15

A few hours later, the carriage rocked to a halt before a dark, stone building that looked like a magnificent fortress. Sebastian jumped down, helping Elizabeth alight, his eyes fixed on her childhood home.

A feminine voice called out Elizabeth's name, and he turned to see the late Duke of Law's daughter, Lady Clara, pull Lizzie into a warm embrace, kissing her cheek. Lizzie seemed pleased to see Lady Clara and held her in turn.

Lady Clara's attention turned toward Sebastian and cooled, became guarded. He steeled himself for the reception he would receive here. Did they suspect his motives? Had rumors of their attachment made it to Moy?

"Lord Hastings, whatever are you doing traveling with Lady Elizabeth?"

Lizzie smiled at her friend, letting go of her ladyship's hand to come back to him, clasping his. "Lady Clara, may I present my husband, Lord Hastings."

He'd never seen Lady Clara without words, but here it was, the first time for everything he supposed. The shock and wariness that entered her eyes did not bode well for their announcement.

"Husband? You're married!"

"Who is married?"

Sebastian bowed as Mr. Stephen Grant came out to join his wife, wrapping his arm about her waist. "Elizabeth is married, Stephen. Did you know?"

He frowned, looking between Lizzie and Sebastian. "No, I did not." He turned that frown on to Elizabeth. "Does your brother know?"

"No," Lizzie said, her voice unfazed, but he could feel the tension in her stance, feel the slight shiver that raked over her skin. He gave her a reassuring squeeze, and she threw him a wobbly smile. "I'm here to tell him."

Lady Clara seemed to shake herself out of her shock and came and gave Elizabeth another hug, kissing him, too, on the cheek. "Congratulations to you both. This is wonderful news."

Lizzie relaxed somewhat at her ladyship's words, but the felicitations did not ring true to Sebastian. "Is Brice home?"

"He's in his office," Mr. Grant said, throwing Elizabeth a small smile.

"Thank ye." She turned to him, taking his hands. "I think I should speak to Brice on my own. It'll be a shock to him to hear this news, and I dinna wish to upset ye by his initial reaction."

There was no way he was allowing Elizabeth to face her brother without him. If the laird jumped to the conclusion that the marriage was for the initial reason it was, he needed to be there to defend himself.

You cannot defend the indefensible.

Sebastian ignored the warning voice in his head. As much as he was relieved to know Halligale was back in his hands, that his children would grow up and inherit the estate, the union between him and Lizzie was so much more than the ancient pile of bricks.

After her declaration of love, the words had been spiraling about in his mind, taunting him to admit what he felt for the woman staring up at him with nothing but affection in her beautiful green eyes.

"No, I shall come with you. Your brother needs to hear from both of us, a united front, husband and wife."

With the slightest of nods, she pulled him forward into the home. The estate rivaled even his in Nottinghamshire. The ancient, medieval wooden beams, the staircase, and entrance to the great hall were enormous. Yet, the house did not feel cold or unwelcoming. Large tapestries and family portraits hung on most walls, roaring fires burned in the grates, and he could hear laughter and a woman's voice somewhere else in the home.

"Brice should be through here," he heard Lizzie tell him as he followed.

Sebastian had never met the Laird Mackintosh, had heard his brother mention him with nothing but loathing and anger after he'd lost Halligale in the card game. The man who met his eyes was not what he expected.

He'd assumed the laird to be similar to him in stature and height. He was wrong. The laird was a behemoth of a man, tall and muscular, a Scottish warrior of years past. Sebastian swallowed, pushing down the fear that the man before him could strike him down with his bare hands, and without much effort.

"Brice." Lizzie walked quickly over to her brother and into the man's open arms. Copyright 2016 - 2024