Kiss To Forget (Blairwood University #2) - Anna B. Doe Page 0,59

out it’s a good thing we didn’t take the car since the parking lot is packed to the brim.

“You two are insane, you know that?” Zane laughs at us as we get out of the car in a hurry and start toward the club. There are people mingling outside, talking and smoking. Some of them recognize us and call our names in greeting, but we don’t stop to chat.

Hayden seems like a man on a mission, and I can’t say I blame him.

“Then why did you come with us?” Hayden grumbles, ignoring the queue and going straight for the door.

Zane chuckles. “Oh, there is no way I’m missing the show.”


“I do get why he’s here, but what’s your deal?” Those light eyes turn to me, not missing anything.

“Same as you.” I shrug, trying to play it cool. Because honestly I have no idea what the hell I’m doing at all. I just knew when I saw that photo that I couldn’t stay back.

Zane observes me quietly for a moment as a knowing smirk slowly spreads across his face. “Yeah, right.”

“Whatever, man.”

I speed up, just in time to catch the last of the bouncer’s words. “Do you know how many guys come to me with the same story?” He shakes his head. “Sorry, dude. No can do.”

“I’m not fucking you. My girl’s inside and…”

“Declan, that you bro?” Zane asks, shoving Hayden out of his way.

“Zane, my man, what’s up?”

The two fist-bump and exchange some pleasantries. “You think you can hook us up? My friend here really needs to see his girl before his panties twist too far up his ass.”

The bouncer gives us an appraising look. “Your friend won’t cause trouble?”

“No way, he’s solid.”

The big dude sighs, but takes a step back. “You owe me.”

“How about tickets to next week’s game?”

“Make it the one after that, and we’re good.”

“Sounds good.” They do another fist-bump as we enter. “Thanks, man.”

The hallway falls into darkness as the door closes behind us. The music is blasting, and we follow the sound of it, the flashing lights coming from down the narrow space.

“How do you know that guy?”

Zane shrugs. “We come from the same part of town,” is his only explanation.

I nod my head in understanding, although in reality I don’t know shit. We’ve been hanging out for two years now, and the guy’s still a mystery to me. Hell, I’m not sure how much Hayden knows and those two are thick as thieves.

When we get to the door, we’re faced with a huge crowd taking most of the space. The loud bass is echoing off the walls, and people are grinding all over each other to the beat of the music on the dance floor.

“So where do you think they are?” Zane asks, yelling over the music. We scan the space but there are too many people to be sure.

“Let’s go this way.” Hayden points to the left and off we go.

I use my height as an advantage to look over the people, but the play of light and dark makes it hard to see clearly. We’re almost at the bar when I see Hayden head into the crowd. He pushes people away until he reaches Callie. She looks over her shoulder, turning around so quickly she almost falls, but he’s already holding her. Chloe is with them, but there is no sign of Yasmin.

My eyes scan the space around them, looking for the familiar dark curls. I do a full sweep of the crowd and then back. Just when I’m about to give up, I spot her. The blond guy from the photo is standing in front of her, hiding her from me. His hands are gripping her hips as they dance together.

“Same as me, huh?” Zane slaps me on the chest.

“Fuck off, dude.”

He just laughs. “I’m going to grab a beer. The view should be excellent from the bar.”

With that he’s gone, and I’m left standing alone, my eyes glued to the girl with bright red lips, her head thrown back as she laughs at whatever the preppy asshole said.

I grit my teeth, my hands clenching by my sides.

She’s not yours, you can’t do anything. Let her be.

I know that, I do. I should turn around and go find Zane. Order a beer while we wait for Hayden to pack up his girl and go back home, but my feet are glued to the spot, eyes following her every move.

The asshole brushes a strand of her hair behind her ear and I Copyright 2016 - 2024