Kiss To Forget (Blairwood University #2) - Anna B. Doe Page 0,3

as I get outside, the cold air blasts in my face, my body shivering from the impact.

“Yasmin, wait!” I call after her, but she doesn’t turn around.

I’m not sure why I expected a different outcome. Yasmin’s been nothing but hostile toward me since the moment Callie introduced us last semester, and she’s done her best to stay away from me. Not that we run in the same circles or anything.

Except now we have a class together, and our best friends are dating. Between the two, she won’t be able to avoid me any longer.

Yasmin and her friend speed-walk for a while, and then at the next crosswalk, Yasmin waves goodbye, and they go their separate ways. I should continue after the other girl since that’s the way to the cafeteria, but of course, I don’t do it.

“Yasmin!” As soon as she’s within reach I wrap my hand around her wrist and pull her to face me.

“What?” she asks, a scowl painted between her brows.

So she did hear me; she just chose to ignore me. I’m not sure if that makes me feel better or worse. What it does is intrigue me. I don’t remember the last time I had such a hard time getting somebody to just talk to me.

Her chocolate eyes throw daggers at me, but her body feels tense under my touch.

What exactly is her problem? We’ve barely been in each other’s company an hour, if that, combined. Callie insists that it’s not me, it’s all the jocks Yasmin has a problem with, but I’ve never heard her talk like that with Hayden, so I call bullshit on that theory. No, it has to be something else, and I’m determined to find out what.

“I thought it was you I saw in English class just a while ago,” I say, choosing to start this conversation on a light note.

“Well you sure as hell made sure everybody knew you were in class, Mr. Cole. Nixon Cole.” Yasmin puffs a wavy strand of hair out of her face.

My lip twitches at her mocking me. She looks quite adorable when she’s pissed like this, like a little kitten. If I only knew how to find the right spot to give her a scratch, I’m sure she’d be purring happily in my hands.

“Not a fan of James Bond?”

“I don’t care one way or the other about Bond. I just find it insufferable that people actually think they can own it.”

I burst out laughing, which only makes her scowl harder. “Oh, baby, I can own it just fine.”

Yasmin rolls her eyes and pulls her hand out of mine. “Was there something you needed? Because I have places to be.”

“Anywhere in particular?” I ask, fishing for information.

Yasmin gives me another infuriated sigh and starts walking again. Without missing a beat, I follow in her footsteps, ignoring a side glare she throws at me.

“Library. Sound familiar? The place where people go to study.”

“I know the library very well. I have even occasionally stepped inside.” I feign a mock gasp. “Can you believe it?”

“Not sure why I should care.” She shrugs her shoulder, her puffy jacket moving with the motion.

See what I’m saying? Yasmin Hernandez hates my guts. And for some fucked-up reason, I can’t seem to let it go. Hell, on some level I even like it. I like that she doesn’t just fall for my charm and empty words, but actually makes me work for it.

I narrow my eyes at her, contemplating. “Is there a particular reason you don’t like me? Or maybe you don’t like guys in general.”

At this, she laughs. Actually laughs.

“So predictable.” Yasmin rolls her eyes. “Why is it that guys think just because a girl doesn’t like them, she’s not into guys at all? We’re allowed to not like just some guys. And as it turns out, I don’t like overbearing, get-in-your-face, thinks-he’s-God’s-gift-to-women guys in particular.”

“That is pretty specific.”

“I’m a specific kind of girl.”

“I’m starting to realize that.”

“Well, at least you realize something.” Suddenly she stops. “If there’s nothing you actually need to discuss with me, I have shit to do.”

Realizing this is getting us nowhere, I lift my hands in surrender. “I’ll let you be.”

For now.

A frown between her brows deepens, her mouth opening, then closing, as if she thinks I’ll protest, and she’ll have to fight me on it.

You aren’t the only one who can keep people on their toes, Yasmin. Not by far.

“Great.” Once again, she tries to puff out the strand of hair that’s getting in her Copyright 2016 - 2024