Kiss To Forget (Blairwood University #2) - Anna B. Doe Page 0,22

you ran away so suddenly yesterday.”

Here it was, the real reason for the intervention. I should have known better than to assume they’d let it go. My friends don’t miss a thing.

“Did something happen with you and Nixon?” Chloe asks, a frown between her brows. “I saw you guys talking at the bar.”

“He…” I stop, nibbling at the edge of my cup. Did he tell them something? Do they know… No, he wouldn’t have. Right? “He was just being a jackass as usual, that’s it. And I was too tired to deal with his shit.”

Callie shakes her head, her lips pressed in a firm line. “I haven’t seen him like that, well, ever. He got so drunk he could barely walk. Both Hayden and Prescott had to help him get his ass home.”

“That’s so weird.” I turn around to Chloe, who just shrugs. “You’d think he’d be happy, with the Ravens winning the national championship and all.”

“It’s not that. But something else has been bugging him, I’m sure. I just don’t know what. He’s disappearing over the weekend without saying a word to anybody, and when he’s here he’s all grumpy and gloomy.”

My ears perk up at the mention of that, the night when I heard the end of his phone call ringing in my ears. Is he going to visit that girl? Julie? No, Jade. Is that it? Is it something about her that has him all messed up like that?

Taking a sip of my drink, I keep my mouth shut. I push the thoughts of Nixon and that phone call out of my mind. It’s none of my business. I don’t know what his deal is, and I don’t care as long as he keeps quiet about what he knows about me.

“Do you know anything?” Callie’s question startles me. When I lift my head, I find both of my friends waiting curiously for my answer.

“Me?” I ask, pointing at my chest innocently. “What would I know? Except that he’s always been a jackass.”

Callie narrows her eyes at me. “Don’t be like that, he’s not that bad.”

“Says you.”

“You’re just so harsh toward him.”

“And every other jock,” Chloe points out, her brows raised. “What’s with that?”

I wipe my mouth with a napkin and get to my feet.

“I don’t like jocks, that’s all.” I see them exchange a silent glance. “Now if you’ll excuse me, I have an essay to work on.”

Chapter Ten


“Is that all you’ve got? If you keep slacking like that, your legs will turn into pasta during the off-season,” Zane ribs as Prescott slowly lifts out of the squat, his fingers gripping the barbell propped over his shoulder so hard his knuckles turn white.

“Fuck. Off,” Prescott pants, legs shaking, sweat dripping over his face. It’s his fifth set, and he’s already gone over his usual lifting weight.

“I’m not sure I heard you correctly? You want another set?”

“You’re an asshole, Zane.”

“Asshole who’ll help you get better for next season. Now shut up and finish.”

I watch them as I work my chest and arms on the other side of the room. Prescott does two more slow, painful reps. At this point, his whole body is shaking, and once he’s done, Zane helps him get the weight off.

Prescott doubles over, his hands gripping his thighs. “I think I’m going to puke.”

“Don’t be a sissy, Wentworth.” Zane throws a towel at him, and then his eyes are on me. “Why are you smiling like that over there? You’re too chipper to be doing a proper job.”

He crosses over to me, checks the weights, and after adjusting them, he slaps me on the shoulder. “Let’s see you now.”

Shaking my head, I do as he says. “You’re enjoying this too much.”

“Hey, you guys asked me to join you.”

“To work out with us, not torture us, you motherfucker.”

He lifts his hands in surrender. “Fine, do it your way, but don’t come complaining to me afterward.”

Zane takes the machine next to mine and starts working on his legs. While football season is over, hockey is still in full swing, and they’re killing it.

More insults are thrown this way and that as we go through the exercises. As time passes, the gym starts to empty until the three of us are the only ones left.

Once I’m done for today, I get off the machine and wipe my face. Opening a water bottle, I check my phone. Dozens of different messages and notifications have appeared since we got here, but I ignore them until one in particular catches Copyright 2016 - 2024