Kiss and Break Up - Ella Fields Page 0,11

her tall body had curved more around her chest and ass. Either way, I didn’t fucking like it. I was a needy bastard, a taker, and she wasn’t as available to me as she’d always been.

And let’s not even talk about that almost kiss. I’d never been more grateful for an attack of sinus in my life, and I’d spent the past few days stewing over why.

Yes, she was gorgeous. She always had been. But she was like a sister to me, which probably explained the sickening twist in my gut.

Only I wasn’t sure if that feeling was due to her sudden interest in dating stuck-up idiots, or because I could feel her shifting, swaying away from reach.

“You keep scowling all the time, and you’re going to age faster than me.”

“Not likely with all those Botox injections.”

Mother Dearest didn’t even gasp; she knew better than to poke at me.

I still blamed her for Peggy moving away. Though I knew it wasn’t technically her fault, I didn’t like the way she constantly tutted whenever I went to Peggy’s place or said her name.

Resentment had burrowed deep inside her veins, and I sometimes wondered if she’d ever slice herself open, admit she was being a rabies-infested hyena, and let it bleed out.

Not everyone had the courage to stay in a loveless marriage, and not everyone had the courage to leave one either.

In my mother’s eyes, her ex-best friend had betrayed her by leaving her to rot in this world of money all alone. Not only that, but she now felt as if she couldn’t even associate with her due to how far down the social ladder Peony had jumped.

No one had pushed her. She had well and truly jumped and of her own accord. I couldn’t lie, I loved the luxury I’d been born into, but that didn’t keep me from respecting the amount of balls that’d take.

“For your information, I haven’t seen Dr. Bryant in four months.”

I dodged left, but it was too late, and some asshat shot me. “Probably because you spend too much time with Emanuel in the pool house. And would you get out? I’m fucking dying here.” Literally. Her fucking perfume was smothering the life from me.

“Watch your mouth.”

“Why? Not my fault you’ve never been a fan of honesty.”

Her hands flew into the air, the books and jeans she’d been collecting from my bedroom floor falling back to the floor in a heap. “I don’t even know where you came from.”

“Let’s not talk about such nasty shit before dinner, thanks.”

With a growl, she stomped out of the room.

Grabbing the basketball from beside my bed, I tossed it at the door hard enough to make it close.

“Slam dunk, motherfucker.” I restarted the game and waited to be teleported back to the lobby. “Finally,” I said, seeing Peggy’s username pop up.

I started a chat and typed out a message.

F*ckoffandie666: Yo, yo, Frecks. Where you been??

Her character wandered around in circles, sword bared, then stopped as she responded.

PegSue12: napping

She didn’t even ask how I was, so far up her own curvaceous ass she was.

I frowned, scratching my face for a beat. She liked to nap, sure, but that was her answer for everything these past four days. Since the party.

F*ckoffandie666: sounds positively riveting

She didn’t respond, and we played a few rounds before her silence finally got the better of me and I shut the game off.

She was upset, and though I knew it had everything to do with her feeling embarrassed about what’d happened with Byron, I was sick of it. She’d never stayed upset about anything this long before. Even when her grandparents had died, she’d at least spoken to me.

I got up, combed my fingers through my hair, checked my teeth, and threw on a clean shirt and my leather jacket before grabbing the keys to my Rover.

I parked in the narrow dirt lane near the creek that sat behind her tiny house, spinning my keys around my finger as I strolled past her neighbor’s fence to their unfenced yard.

I pocketed my keys and slid the window open, then I jumped up and dived onto her bed.

“Oh my God, watch it!”

My eyes popped out of my head when I tried to find purchase and felt something large, soft, and … shit. Her tit.


She started whacking at my chest, and my dick stiffened. I froze, then quickly pulled my hand away and rolled over. “My bad. Jesus. Calm down.”


“A little warning would’ve been nice,” I said.

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