Kings of Quarantine (Brutal Boys of Everlake Prep #1) - Caroline Peckham ,Susanne Valenti Page 0,88

That wasn’t my style. Yeah, I wanted to dominate her, own her body and make her ache in every possible way. But I wanted her screams to be those of pleasure and to hear her begging for every inch I gave.

“Don’t worry, rich girl,” I said, my gaze skimming over her perfectly fuckable curves dismissively. I loved that I could wear my mask so tightly. No fucker ever got a read on what I was thinking unless I let them. Not even Saint. “I don’t hunger for uptight pussy. You’re not even half wild enough for me.”

“I’m wilder than you could ever imagine, you self-obsessed fuckboy,” she snarled and I wondered if she was hoping to make me hard with that statement or if it was just a pleasant side effect.

“Don’t give it to me softly, baby, go all in,” I dared her.

Her lips pouted with uncertainty and I reached out to start the bubbles up again.

“Come on, don’t pull any punches, tell me exactly what you think of me,” I challenged.

My armour was platinum-made and my insides were dead and empty anyway, so I wasn’t worried about getting my feelings hurt, but I was interested in what my new pet thought of me as an owner.

“Honestly?” she asked, sensing a trap.

“Give it to me. Every deep, dark, sordid thought you’ve had about me and the conclusions you’ve come to.”

She licked her lips like she was savouring the taste of those words and I watched her unblinkingly, captivated by this creature I now owned and wondering if she might just continue to surprise me.

“Well, on first impression, I would have assumed that you were some kind of low rent gang banger from the shittier side of town,” she began, eyeing me for a long moment to check I wasn’t going to lose my shit and I arched an eyebrow at her as I waited for her to get to the good bit. “You wear everything with a superior kind of I-don’t-give-a-shit attitude, but that’s actually the complete opposite of your feelings. Everything about the way you look and dress actually screams look at me, especially considering the company you keep and the money you have. You dress and act the part of a delinquent, choosing the role of the dangerous bad boy but when push comes to shove, you’re just riding through life on your multimillion dollar trust fund. You may act like you’re so dark and dangerous and empty on the inside, but the only reason you’re empty is because you’ve had everything in life so fucking easy that it just got plain old boring. And now you’ve been wearing that empty, dark, mask for so long that you don’t even know how to take it off anymore and you’re not sure who you are without it, or if you’re even anyone at all. Which I’d wager you aren’t.”

Silence hung following her words and I looked into her big blue eyes as I bit down on my tongue to stop myself from reacting to her words, from trying to rebuke them or refuse them or showing her that they’d held even the smallest drop of truth. And who gave a shit if they had? So what if she could tell I was empty inside? It wasn’t like I tried to hide it.

I let her stiffen up as she waited to see if I’d flip on her for several seconds before I finally barked a laugh.

“Not quite, baby, but keep on guessing for next time. One or two of those potshots got close to the mark even if you didn’t score a bullseye,” I teased, as I pushed her words from my skull and pointedly forgot about them.

Tatum bit her lip on a reply, her gaze sliding over my features for a long moment before she accepted that I wasn’t gonna lose my shit.

“Do I get to do you now?” I asked.

“Do I actually get a say?” she ground out.

“Sure you do, baby, this is just a conversation between…well I would say a bitch and her owner but I feel like you might take offence.”

“Fuck you,” she hissed.

“Thanks for the offer, but I don’t think you could take the heat, rich girl.”

“Fine. Let’s hear it then, if you think you know so fucking much about me,” she said, folding her arms and pushing her tits up in the process.

I made no attempt to hide where my gaze had landed and she snarled as she sank further beneath the bubbles to Copyright 2016 - 2024