Kings of Quarantine (Brutal Boys of Everlake Prep #1) - Caroline Peckham ,Susanne Valenti Page 0,27

evenings. After dinner. Because who didn’t want to spend their free time discussing work matters? Fucking asshat.

My phone buzzed again and I broke into a sprint. That would be Miss Pontus warning me that I was cutting it fine. But I knew that. I thrived under pressure so I’d set out on my evening run an hour before the meeting was due to begin and I’d taken a route that usually took me an hour and twenty.

I felt half dead, sweat was pouring off of me and my muscles were burning in that way which promised me all kinds of aches come morning. But I’d done it. Fucking smashed it. Just like every goal I set myself.

I pounded my way to the front door and fell forwards, bracing my hands on my knees as I fought to catch my breath.

It was cold out, especially now that the sun was down and my breath rose before me as I started my cool down routine.

Maple Lodge stood at the top of the hill overlooking the valley which contained the rest of the school grounds. It was set back by the perimeter wall to give us some privacy from the students and there was only one path that led up here so we were pretty well away from them.

I took a few minutes to catch my breath, admitting to myself that I was a bit late for the meeting now, while not really giving a damn. I was the school P.E. teacher, it was practically in my job description that I stay in shape. And I ran at this time every evening. The Headmaster could bite me if he had a problem with that.

Music floated to me over the trees which surrounded campus and I huffed out an irritated breath as I realised the students were having a much better night than me already. It was half tempting to sneak down and join in with their initiation party. Aside from the fact that they’d clearly recognise me and either want me to fuck off or socialise with them and I wasn’t sure which of those options were worse.

I missed my frat house brothers. They knew how to party. And the reality of life as a teacher at this school was so much tamer than I was used to. But that was a sacrifice I was willing to make. Because every day I spent here, moulding the minds and bodies of these pretentious little douchebags, was another day that I drew closer to my goal. And I was getting closer. Inch by delicious inch.

I turned my back on the grounds and the music which came from the party the Night Keepers were throwing and headed into Maple Lodge.

The heavy oak door swung open and I walked down the green carpeted entrance hall towards the rec room at the back of the building where I could hear Brown addressing the staff already.

The double doors stood open so I slipped inside, skirting the huge room and the gathered staff members until I found a spot by the rear wall.

Miss Pontus offered me a smile as she spotted me and I gave her a nod in return. She could have left it at that but of course she waved too, drawing more eyes to me. I ignored her, fixing my gaze on Brown as I set my jaw to end the interaction.

She looked away and I gave no shits as her shoulders sagged in disappointment.


“So far the government guidance is simple. Minimise trips out and social gatherings, be aware of contact with anyone outside of your family. So, for now, I think it’s pretty simple for us here. We’re in a remote location, all of our supplies are delivered and we’ve only had twelve cases confirmed in the state so far. As it stands, I believe it’s perfectly acceptable for us to carry on with business as usual,” Brown said.

He was a tall man, ex military and still in the habit of standing ramrod straight like he had a cane shoved right up his ass with his hands clasped at the base of his spine. His hair was non-existent but he had a full, black beard.

He’d adopted a tough but fair attitude when it came to dealing with the students here. Fair being a loose term as he changed his definition of that depending on financial contributions and donations from parents.

For example, Saint Memphis had somehow been granted his own personal bachelor pad on the grounds despite Copyright 2016 - 2024