Kings of Quarantine (Brutal Boys of Everlake Prep #1) - Caroline Peckham ,Susanne Valenti Page 0,189

as she is yours. I’ll do whatever the fuck I want with her.”

I ground my jaw, glaring between the two of them as Blake moved forward to try and break up their fight.

“There are rules!” Saint snarled and I started backing away again, not wanting to be involved in this crazy bullshit. They were completely insane. The whole fucking lot of them.

“Dude, calm down,” Blake stepped in. “Kyan’s sorry, aren’t you bro?”

“Sorry?” Kyan barked a hollow laugh. “Fuck no.”

“Fine,” Saint said in an icily quiet tone that raised the hairs on the back of my neck. “It’s not you who’ll pay the price anyway.” He turned his gaze my way and my heart froze to a solid lump of ice as he stalked forward.

The psycho look in his eyes told me one thing and one thing only: I did not want him getting his hands on me. The split second I hesitated lost me valuable time before I twisted around and ran for my life.

His footsteps pounded after me and fear ate me alive as I made it across the lounge and darted up the staircase towards his room. “Leave me alone you crazy asshole!”

I raced up the stairs but a hand locked around my ankle and I cried out as I fell down, rolling over and kicking out with my free foot. I missed. Saint dragged me toward him, rearing over me and locking his knees around my hips.

“Get off of me!” I yelled, terror making my throat tighten.

The ferocious look on his face was nothing but satanic. I wasn’t gonna get a spanking for this. I was gonna get something so much more terrifying and I feared how far Saint would go to see me punished.

He grabbed one of my wrists in an iron grip and I knew the second he got hold of the other one, I was done for. Rage gathered inside me, straining against the dam I’d built against it. Days and days of this shit was driving me to insanity. And I was done.

The dam burst and I snapped in time with it.

I threw a punch with my free hand, my fist cracking into Saint’s nose so hard that pain splintered through my knuckles. He released me with a roar of fury and blood spilled down over his mouth. I gazed at him with my veins singing my victory and my heart not beating for a full second. Then I realised with a horrifying clarity that I was now totally fucked.

As fast as I could, I scrambled backwards and hurried upstairs before he could recover.

“Blake, get her,” Saint growled and I gripped the railing of the balcony, watching as he stalked off in the direction of the other guys’ rooms, wiping his bloody nose on his hand. The tension in his shoulders was enough to send a lick of terror up my spine.

Kyan smirked up at me from below like he was happy I’d punched Saint and my mouth twitched at the corner, my breathing coming quicker as adrenaline sank into my veins. I’d hit that fucker. And it had felt so damn good.

Blake rushed up the stairs, grabbing my arm and I glared at him as he yanked me back towards the steps.

“You’ve really done it now, Cinders,” he said in a low tone and the victory flooding my limbs quickly gave way to fear once more.

“What’s he gonna do?” I breathed, looking up at him and seeing no fire in his eyes today. Only a blankness that scared me to my core. “Blake?” I pressed.

Kyan folded his arms, glancing between us as Blake guided me to the couch and shoved me onto it before dropping down beside me. I folded my legs up beneath me, flexing my hand as I relived the punch I’d landed on Saint. My knuckles were already bruised up from yesterday’s fight, but this was a bruise I wanted to tattoo onto my flesh forever. I might have been about to face my maker, but I couldn’t say I regretted it. Not for a second.

Saint eventually reappeared with the blood washed from his face and my backpack in his grip. My heart slowed to a halt as he tipped it up over the coffee table and all of my stuff fell out of it. I clenched my jaw, glowering at him as he gazed around at the mess of clothes and school books. Then he stuffed his hand in the bag and ripped out the wad of letters Copyright 2016 - 2024