Kings of Quarantine (Brutal Boys of Everlake Prep #1) - Caroline Peckham ,Susanne Valenti Page 0,140

to try running that way, she could do it in darkness. And I had to admit that I was kind of hoping she’d try it. Because I’d really liked the way her body had felt against mine while I couldn’t see a thing down there, and I wanted to hear a lot more of her screams echoing through those tunnels too.

I stood in the kitchenette, making all of them breakfast while Saint worked out, Kyan went for a run with Blake then all of them showered. I’d spent nearly an hour building a freaking throne out of the toilet paper in the centre of the church on Saint’s command. And though it admittedly looked pretty good thank you very much, it was also fucking ridiculous.

By the time the Night Keepers were dropping into seats on one side of the dining table in their uniforms, I already had their food plated up. Dad had taught me and Jessica to cook when we were younger. He always had to work long and peculiar hours so sharing mealtimes had been pretty rare. And apparently I’d bitched about more than one nanny’s cooking when I was a kid.

I wasn’t a snob or anything, I just knew how I liked my food. And I’d been more than happy to get in the kitchen and learn to make it for me and my sister. Apart from anything else, it was a survival skill too. In the wild, Saint Memphis and his pals would have lasted less than a week. I, on the other hand, would have thrived hunting out natural resources and living off of the land. That was true power when it came down to it. Something none of them could claim if they were ever thrown into the wilderness with nothing but their two hands to fend for themselves. I must remember to make that my next birthday wish.

Even though I had my plan to take them down, I still had to play along with their rules in the meantime. Kyan liked to flirt, but I didn’t think I was making much headway with getting under his skin. I didn’t really understand why Monroe thought I could get to him when he clearly kept his heart in an iron cage. It probably took part in its own illegal fighting games while it was in there too. But I was still determined to try and crack him. I just didn’t know how I was going to manage it.

One good thing had come out of the four am madness; that little mission to fetch food and toilet paper had shown me just how Saint reacted when the ground got shaky beneath his feet. At the slightest whiff of a supply shortage, he’d taken nearly everything for himself. The school was going to be living on tinned soup, potatoes and beans for the foreseeable future until another delivery came in. And when they ran out of toilet paper in their rooms and the school bathrooms, there was gonna be a flood of followers showing up here to offer god only knew what in exchange for some.

Saint had ensured he remained a king while the rest of the world fell to ruin around him. It was people like that who thrived in world-wide disasters. He’d no doubt come out the other end of this richer and more powerful than he’d been before. And that was the sad truth about life. The rich got richer and the poor got poorer.

I considered spitting in their food, but figured that wasn’t really my style and at least one of the little psychos would probably like it. I didn’t want any piece of me in their mouths anyway. Though sometimes, the darker part of me had filthy daydreams about each of them raking their tongues across her flesh. But that was just in my mind. No way in hell were those fantasies going to manifest.

I placed Blake’s pancakes down followed by Saint’s eggs and avocado on toast, then Kyan’s greasy fried everything. I’d arranged his fry-up into the shape of a smiley face with streaky bacon eyebrows and a runny egg for a nose. He seemed to like my humour, so maybe that was a way to win him over.

He barked a laugh, before grabbing his fork and digging in. I smirked as I handed them all coffees, having learned their preferences already. Blake drank his black while Kyan had his with a load of milk and three freaking sugars. Saint had Copyright 2016 - 2024