King's Castle - Ella Goode Page 0,5

my head before undressing and stepping into the warm water. I let out a small moan as it runs over me. All of the muscle aches from driving for hours melt away. I let my mind drift to different scenarios of why my sister is choosing to stay here.

If I get her back home and douchebag Brandon decides to show up there, I could shoot him then wrap him in a little bit of chicken wire, find a lake and bam, no more Brandon to worry about. As easy as my plan sounds, I don’t actually think I could kill someone. I’m in the business of healing things, not destroying them. I still cry like a baby whenever we lose an animal at work. I don’t care if the creature was twenty years old and lived his best life. I always spring a leak. It’s the hardest part about my job.

I turn off the water after washing myself and grab a towel. None of my random shower thoughts matter. I know that if I were to off Brandon, Danny would head back to the city and I’d be left alone again. So many times I’ve debated just moving there to be with her but I’m really not sure I’d take so well to living in a big city. I always seemed to get lost or overwhelmed the few times I visited. There were too many people and no space to breathe. I don’t know how Danny does it. She said herself it can be a little much at times but if she wants to practice medicine, that is where she has to be to do it.

I head over to the bed to get the clothes King gave me. I'm not sure why but I lift the shirt to my nose, smelling it before I slip it on. It smells like him, woodsy and masculine. It’s also ten sizes too big for me but I’ll make do. I try and put on the shorts but they only fall off. The man really is a giant. I have to roll the top over and over again to get them to stay up. The shirt goes to my knees anyway.

I decide to forgo wearing underwear because let’s face it, I only have one clean pair in my purse and I’ll need those for tomorrow. I actually do have a suitcase in my truck; I just don’t want to bring it inside. I don’t know why but I have this feeling that if the suitcase comes into the house it’s never going back out.

Kings vulgar words keep fluttering through my mind. I can’t stop thinking about what it would feel like if he actually was balls deep inside of me. I don’t usually get turned on by dirty talk but something about him has me feeling a certain way. I do my best to shake those thoughts from my head, remembering that I’m here for one reason and that’s Danny.

I’m not here to be King’s woman. Whatever the hell that even means. Maybe it has a totally different meaning in these parts. A smile flits across my mouth. Tomorrow, I may just lie to him and say that I tried to call my boyfriend but my phone isn't getting service. I decide that I’m going to do exactly that.

I’m way too excited to see his reaction when he thinks I belong to another man. I should feel bad but I don’t since he was cocky and tried to declare that I was his. I don’t take crap from anyone and this big, giant, no first name King guy isn’t any different.

Chapter Five


When Weston comes downstairs the next morning wearing my clothes, I decide that I am an utter genius. “We’ll have to burn all of your clothes.”

“Why’s that?” She frowns.

“Because you won’t be wearing anything that’s not mine anymore. Got a call from Jake and he and your sister should be here this afternoon. What do you want to eat?”

“I’m not hungry and there will be no burning of anything.” She holds up her phone with the charging cord dangling from it. “Do you have a plugin I can use? I need to call my boyfriend.”

My good mood heads straight down the shitter. “Your what?”

I thought we had already cleared the fact that she had no man in her life.

“My boyfriend. He’s an MMA fighter. Very big. Fit.” Her eyes sweep over me and I see a flicker of interest before it disappears. “Toned. Copyright 2016 - 2024