Kingpin's Foxglove (The Tarkhanov Empire #1) - Bree Porter Page 0,27



I sucked in a sharp breath, turning my head. Danika stood at the end of the hallway, her bright pink sweater making her hard to miss.

“Are you okay?”

I nodded. My mind cleared and I noticed how hard I was gripping Tatiana’s medical files. I loosened my grip. “Fine.”

She glanced at Tatiana’s door, hearing Anton and his mother inside. Her expression softened in understanding. “I know it’s hard.”

“What’s hard?” I hadn’t meant to sound so harsh, especially since Danika was apparently my only ally—in the loosest sense of the term. But I really didn’t want to discuss it. “Were you looking for me?”

Danika nodded. “Konstantin wants to brief us on the third murder. He’s waiting for us in his office.”

“Third murder?” I stepped away from the wall. “What are you talking about?”

“You don’t know?” Her eyes searched my expression. “Thaddeo really never said anything?”

I shook my head.

“Strange…” Her cheeks suddenly pinkened. “Sorry, I know he’s dead. It’s not okay to speak badly of the dead.” Danika patted my arm. “Let’s go, yeah? I’ll catch you up.”

My mind flashed back to the newspaper I had left on the kitchen counter. It felt like a lifetime ago, despite it being only yesterday. “Does it have something to do with Eithne McDermott?”

“The second victim,” Danika confirmed. We began to walk towards the study, Danika outlining all I needed to know. “Three women have been murdered over the past couple of months. First was Letizia Zetticci—she was poisoned. Then Eithne McDermott. I think she was hit in the back of her head. Kostya’s going to tell us about the third, a woman named...well, Roman called her Melanie but I think he was trying to trick me.”

I frowned. “So? Women die all the time, Danika. Why does your Pakhan care about these ones?”

We reached Konstantin’s study. Danika pressed on the door, giving me a strange look. “Didn’t I mention? All the women had their teeth removed post-mortem.” With that she stepped into the study, me hot on her heels.

“What do you mean all their teeth were removed?” I demanded.

“She means,” came Konstantin’s purring voice, “that all three women’s bodies were found toothless.”

Sitting at his desk, Konstantin was leaning back in his chair, that fucking cat Babushka comfortable on his lap. Leaning on the wall behind him, Roman stood in the shadows, top lip curled up. The other person in the study was Roksana, her head of white-blonde hair visible over the top of a chair.

“Take a seat, ladies.” Konstantin waved a hand, the other stroking Babushka. “Danika, you have updated Elena?”

Danika blinked at Konstantin like something had surprised her. “Yes, I updated Elena.” Her gaze moved to me in question but she didn’t say anything.

Roksana peered over the chair she was sitting on, her gray eyes taking me in. She sent me a slight smile, like she wasn’t sure what to make of me being here.

“A third woman has been found dead,” Konstantin said, getting right down to business. “Mallory Nicollier, daughter of Claude Nicollier. Her father is part of Lefebvre’s Union.”

“You said Melanie,” Danika directed this accusation to Roman.

His sneer disappeared for a second to grin at Danika. “Did I? Whoops.”

Konstantin didn’t entertain their bickering. “The Union hasn’t reacted yet, but I want you to be on your guard. You included, Elena.”

I scanned his expression, realization settling into my gut. “You think someone is going around killing these women and removing their teeth?”

“I thought you said they were inside jobs.” This came from Roksana. She sounded a lot more worried than I.

“Perhaps they are,” Konstantin said. “But until we know that for certain, we’re not taking any chances. Artyom will tell you, Roksana, but you will be required to take Mikhail with you to the ballet.”

Roksana didn’t look pleased with her Pakhan’s command but nodded. “Of course, sir.”

“I will make sure he wears a suit,” Konstantin assured her.

She forced a smile but no one in the study was convinced.

Roksana’s dislike towards this ‘Mikhail’ or the act of having a bodyguard interested me. Women who grew up in the mafia were used to having more protection, since it was believed they couldn’t defend themselves against an enemy if the situation arose. Roksana didn’t seem like she was one to break the mold—though, I didn’t really know her. So, who was I to say?

“Has the Union responded?” Danika asked.

I glanced at her. Her expression remained bright and friendly, but her eyes had hardened into a look of calculation.

You have underestimated her, Elena, I told myself.

“No. They continue Copyright 2016 - 2024