Kingpin (An Italian Mafia Romance Duet #1) - W.S. Greer Page 0,65

heart left when you did, and now that you’re back, everything I felt has come rushing back with you. It’s new, and it’s fucking terrifying, especially with the shit that went down at Isle of Capri, but this feeling will never be matched.

“I just need you to know that I would die protecting you. I would literally lay down my life to make sure you’re safe, and you’re the only fucking person in the world I’d do that for. I promise I’ll take care of you, nobody will ever lay a finger on you, and nobody will ever feel about you the way I feel about you.

“You are it for me, for the rest of my fucking life, I know it. You’re it. So, I’m begging you to give me a chance to clean up this thing that went crazy the other night. I’m asking you to forget the other stuff, and focus on us. Focus on what we felt for each other ten years ago, and how those feelings were strong enough to bring you back here, all the way from fucking Alaska. You’re it for me, Alannah, and I’m hoping you’ll give me a chance to prove that I can be it for you, because now that you’re back, I don’t think I can handle being without you again.”

I should be running for my life. I should kick him out and hide under the covers until he goes away for good. I shouldn’t care what he says or how sweet it sounds, or how good he looks. I should get far, far away from Dominic and everything dangerous that comes with him. I just don’t want to.

I tell myself I don’t care, but the tears in my eyes tell me otherwise.

I tell myself I don’t want him, but my body tells me different.

I tell myself he’s dangerous, but my heart doesn’t care.

I tell myself I can go back to Alaska and get over him, but I know that’s a lie.

I breathe hard, like I just finished running a mile, and I can feel the tears stinging my eyes as I stare at his terrifying beauty. I think to say something, but when I start, the words catch in my throat and I feel overcome with emotion. All I can do is shake my head and try to fight off the combination of joy and fear I feel. Looking at him makes it worse, and I have to pry my eyes off of him so I can look at the floor until I recover from what feels like a blow to the stomach.

“Why?” I stammer, still staring at the floor. “Why can’t I say no, when I know I should? Why can’t I turn off these feelings?”

“Because you’ve loved me since you were eleven years old, and it doesn’t matter what we do now. Nothing will ever turn this off.”

As I look down, I’m taken aback by the sudden sound of his footsteps on the hardwood floor. Dominic races over to me and firmly puts his hands on my cheeks. He lifts my head up and forces me to lock eyes with him, then he presses his lips against mine like it’s the first and last time he’ll ever be able to do it.

My body melts into a pool of hot wax at his feet as I let go and give in. His tongue caresses mine and moves like it’s been waiting to be reunited with me. Dominic’s breathing picks up and it’s now just as heavy as mine as we kiss with more passion than there has ever been in my life. I couldn’t pull away from him if I tried, and I wouldn’t dare try.

His hands start to explore my body as they slide down my neck and make their way to my hips. He pulls my pelvis to his and I don’t even know how to react. Instincts take over and my hands mirror his. I pull him into me, and it’s in that moment that I know I’m lost forever. I want him like I know I’ll die without him, and once that thought enters my mind, it burrows deep and there’s no getting it out. There’s no U-turn allowed, and I’m on a one way street to somewhere frightening and exhilarating.

I can’t go back.

I don’t want to go back.

My fingers claw at the buttons on his shirt, and his tear at my belt. I drop his shirt at the same time he lets my Copyright 2016 - 2024