The Kingdom's Crown (Inheritance of Hunger #3) - Kathryn Moon Page 0,40


"Oh noo, no. No, I didn't think I would. I didn't think I would have to. They said you'd take Miss Ophelia on like you took the steward."

Daniel. Which meant this did lead back to the council. Of course it did.

"But you must've known. They gave you instructions."

Lily's lip wobbled, her smile failing, shoulders thrusting forward to me. Cresswell appeared at my side, vibrating with tension, ready to throw himself between us again.

"I didn't want to, of course, but I had to," Lily said, eyes growing wide. "I'm so sorry, Your Highness, but you know I had to. And they said I wouldn't even get in trouble. Or only for a little bit. They really did promise."

"Why agree? Why agree at all?" Head Guard Amos snapped.

Lily whined and shrank away, starting to cry again, but the sound hiccuped into a sigh as I pushed more magic into her.

"Not too much," Aric whispered.

I ignored him and knelt down before Lily, resting at her feet, staring up at her. Her head lolled on her shoulder, thin curls sticking to her damp brow, and she smiled at me through the tears still clinging to her lashes.

"You are so pretty, princess."

"Why did you have to agree to such a terrible plan, Lily love?" I asked.

Her breath hitched, eyes fully glazed now. "You know I didn't want to do that either," she said nonsensically. "I begged him not to. He promised it would feel good, but it didn't. It didn't at all! It really hurt you know! I knew I would get in trouble. Mother always said I would get in trouble, but it wasn't my fault, I didn't even want to. Oh it hurt!"

My hands were on fire, too tight around Lily's arms, but she didn't seem to notice. I didn't think she was really with us at all.

"He always said what a nice man he was, but I really hate him, I think. If it weren't for the baby, I wouldn't've agreed, but they said they would make him marry me if I said yes, and they really said I wouldn't have to do it you know, and—"

Aric pulled me away, drawing me into his chest, my heart hammering roughly as Lily continued.

"They promised I wouldn't get into very much trouble. Not for long. And I just thought, wouldn't it be better if the baby was a little lord or lady instead of turning out like me? Always getting pushed and forced to do the things I don't want to do. They don't do that to their own kind, do they?"

My hands were clenched in Aric's shirt, tears falling silently.

"Who's that man you're going to marry, Lily?" Head Guard Amos asked, voice gentler now.

"Young Mr. Clemont Goddard, of course."

The room was quiet at her answer, as if we were all too disgusted or horrified to move, like the moment might be erased if we just held still and waited. Lily was sniffling and hiccuping softly, still dazed from my magic, and the guilt of pulling these secrets from her left a bitter flavor on my tongue.

"We assumed the family might be involved after the two women fled earlier," Amos said in my direction. "We sent word for their estate to be searched, but there was a report of a sighting by the docks. We think they might've fled Kimmery."

"Speak to their staff then, to any extended family that might be tracked down. Anyone with a chance of confirming Lily's claim," I said.

"Yes, Your Highness," Amos answered.

I straightened in Aric's embrace, and he wiped my tears away, careful not to allow anyone else to see. Daniel and Cresswell had moved in to surround me, a reassuring blockade against the rest of the room.

"Frances Goddard is now Lady Roderick," Daniel said to Amos, adding to me, "although the Goddard family has no members on the council themselves."

I nodded and squared my shoulders, turning as Cresswell and Daniel stepped back to my side. Head Guard Amos stared back at me with naturally narrowed dark eyes, awaiting any verdict I might give on the girl's fate.

"I would like Lily to be taken somewhere more comfortable. Please… Not with the others," I said, frowning as I thought of the dark cells I'd passed on our way down.

"Yes, Your Highness."

"She should be guarded, protected," I said, and his eyes widened slightly. "We suspect that those responsible for her orders have fled, but I would rather not assume that means there is not someone else who will object to Lily's Copyright 2016 - 2024