Kindred Spirit - Noah Harris Page 0,36

who probably knows a few things about surviving against a large group of armed people?”

Levi groaned, thumping his head against the fridge. “Lord, save me. I can’t believe my life has come to this.”

Jacob looked between them as the guns grew quiet once more. “Okay, you keep the shotgun, I need you armed, and a handgun suits me just fine. Ammo’s a problem, but in the house, we have a better chance than out in the open.”

Levi sighed, reaching behind him and drawing out another gun. Jacob stared at it, immediately recognizing it as the one he’d stowed away in his bag before leaving the motel.

“Took it when I got the shotgun, just in case,” Levi muttered, holding it out.

Jacob grinned. “Well, I’m not going to argue. That was smart. Keep being that smart, and we might get the hell out of here without a few new holes.”

“They’re going to come in, aren’t they?”

“Oh yeah.”

“With guns.”

“Lots of guns.”

“And we’re going to have to fight them.”

“Oh yeah.”

“Stop looking so happy about it!”

Jacob chuckled, checking the gun and sliding it into the back of his pants. Not the best place to put it, but there weren’t a whole lot of options. His eyes swiveled around the kitchen, landing on the stove and frowning thoughtfully.

“Don’t worry, it’s only going to be a few of them at first. They won’t send in the rest until after we win the first round,” Jacob reassured him.

“And you know this how?” Levi asked.

Jacob heard the front door slam against the wall. “Because I know people, and I know people in fights. Get ready to run to the bedroom. Grab my bag and boots, get dressed. After this is over, we’re going to have to run for the woods, we don’t have time for anything else.”

“Oh, what is my life?” Levi complained again.

Jacob listened as the men swept around the living and dining room and he heard their approaching feet. “Go when I say.”

Levi groaned softly but nodded. It was a relief that despite not trusting him, Levi was willing to at least go along with Jacob’s plan. He could only hope the man didn’t decide to run off in the middle of the chaos and leave Jacob hung out to dry.

The footsteps grew closer, and Jacob stood. He kept the stolen gun gripped firmly in his right hand, feeling the cold metal of his own gun on his back. As the steps neared the doorway, he reached out, taking a knife from the block on the counter. A kitchen knife wasn’t exactly preferred for a melee, but he might be able to get a couple of them before he had to resort to his limited bullet supply.

A figure stepped into view, and Jacob leaped forward. The man only had time to widen his eyes in shock before the blade came up, the point jamming into his throat. Jacob sent a silent thanks to Levi for keeping his knives sharp as the blade drove in, and he shoved the man back, slamming him into the wall. Sure enough, the movement jostled the other intruder behind the dying man, knocking him off-balance.

The second man had no chance to recover as Jacob drove him into the opposite wall. “Levi, now!”

He didn’t look to see if Levi had listened, instead, focusing on shoving the kitchen knife up into the second man’s side. Jacob barely heard the cry of agony from his target, instead, wrapping his hand around his throat and twisting him to put his back toward the living room. The remaining members of 2218, two in total, had raised their guns at the sudden movement.

Jacob grit his teeth as they reflexively fired off a few rounds. The second man’s body jerked as he took the bullets instead. Gritting his teeth, Jacob held the man firmly and shoved him toward the nearest of the remaining two. As the third stumbled under the sudden weight, the fourth turned his gun on Jacob. A gunshot rang out, blood splattered, and the fourth man twirled away as the bullet tore through his neck.

Jacob winced. Getting clipped in the neck was a bad way to go, he’d seen it one too many times. It wasn’t what he meant, but his aim was truer when the third man stumbled out from under the second’s body. One bullet to the side of the man’s chest, and he teetered, stumbled and collapsed.

He had only a short pause before more gunshots erupted throughout the house. Jacob dived back into Copyright 2016 - 2024