Kind of Famous - Mary Ann Marlowe Page 0,95

how to word my unmasking.

At Adam’s suggestion, and cleared by Lars, I planned to write an exclusive for Talking Disaster to coincide with the magazine article. By mentioning my site in the magazine, I’d already given the game away. My fans didn’t need to be spoon-fed clues on the worst of days. They’d connect the dots in a heartbeat. Still, writing it out on my own blog felt like a huge confession. One that would invite a ton of questions and open the door to the kind of scrutiny I’d tried to protect the band from.

But it was time to come out from behind my moniker and own my double identity. It was time to be Layla.

Talking Disaster Forum

Topic: Walking Disaster - Media - The Rock Paper - Fly on the wall - Page 2

AdamAnt wrote:

Hey, she mentioned our forum.

Di$a$ter wrote:

She didn’t just mention it. She said she runs it.

AdamAnt wrote:

Shit, is that Pumpkin?

Talking Disaster wrote:

Gotta be. Hey, Pumpkin! Say something!

Wannabe wrote:

Did you guys hear the new song?

DiazRules wrote:

What did she mean by more to come? Do you think there are more videos, or is she going to come give us a recap?

ADAMate wrote:

Pumpkin!! Bravo! I love seeing our community mentioned in the ROCK PAPER! OMG!

InTheMood wrote:

Wow, what a bounty of WD goodness.

AdamFannnn wrote:

Thank you Pumpkin/Layla for making me almost feel like I was there. It sounds like it was a most wonderful time. I love the new songs! I also loved Adam’s between song banter.

JacksMom wrote:

Pumpkin, what kind of camera did you use to record with.

Delusion wrote:

and Mark’s guitar skillz are CRAZY good.!!

Knope4Prez wrote:


AdamAdamAdam wrote:

On the internet.

Chapter Twenty-Seven

When I got to the forum, someone had already started a thread with the link. I blew a raspberry. Why did I bother updating my blog?

As I expected, they immediately honed in on who’d posted the article rather than the actual content. I was tickled at how happy they were that the forum itself got name dropped, like it made them famous, but I wasn’t surprised when one of the more cantankerous posters said I was a hypocrite for moving in on Adam in that way. Another poster who balked at commercial influence suggested that maybe I’d been friends with them all along. What if she set this site up for them? He was met with a chorus of So, what? Even if the label had set it up, there’d been no interference. It had always been a welcoming environment.

That didn’t stop them from speculating.

RetiredNurse wrote: Pumpkin’s always quick to stop conversations that get too invasive. Like she’s got a personal stake.

Shy Guy wrote: Don’t forget she did the Theater of the Absurd thing too. Maybe she’s been an insider all along.

Ouch. Nobody could claim they held back on their opinions. I’d be lying if I said it didn’t sting a little to hear them question my integrity so openly.

Thankfully, CanadaFan was the voice of reason. Why would she just now make herself public then? You all are grasping at straws. Let’s wait and hear from her.

Sounded like a call to make my entrance.

I cracked my knuckles and started writing a post on the thread.

Hi, guys. To answer your questions, no I haven’t been working for the label all this time. The truth is, I got a job at the Rock Paper. The whole rehearsal idea came about organically, and I feel super fortunate to have been able to participate.

Also, you guys should be making plans to be online later today, because in addition to some more exclusive video, Adam has agreed to come by the forum and do a Q&A around five. Start posting questions here now. I’ll pick out a few and post them in a new thread. And check out the blog for an exclusive video of “Hurricane Warning.”

That should get them off my case. I’d be a hero for all this content

I took a break to steal a bottle of San Pellegrino from Jo’s fridge. I missed Shane’s pretentious water. I missed him. I’d written the entire article with him riding on my shoulder. I could picture him grousing at all the gushing I had to do.

I didn’t regret anything I’d written though.

First because it was honest. My admiration for the band was legitimate, but Shane’s jealousy was misplaced. I had no interest in any of those guys romantically, and my comments about Adam’s sexiness didn’t change that.

Second because, truthfully, I wanted Shane to hurt. Shitty of me, I know. Copyright 2016 - 2024