Kind of Famous - Mary Ann Marlowe Page 0,87

free of me, then slamming back down hard. He gasped back an expletive. I set a punishing rhythm, pounding into him again and again.

All that foreplay had me so close already, that I only had to look down at Shane’s face, twisted in ecstasy before the endorphin rush exploded, releasing a beautiful wave of pure bliss down my legs and up my spine in total satisfaction. I dropped my head onto his chest, breathing heavy.

Realizing I’d climaxed, Shane started to ease me off him, but he was ramrod straight inside me. I sat up, grinding back down on him again. I reached behind me until I found the apex of his legs and touched his balls with the tips of my fingers. They drew up tight, like walnuts, and he hissed out, “Holy fuck, Layla.” I lifted my hips, fucking him while I played with him, and in another few moments, he came hard in me.

I dropped down beside him, and he pulled me over, wrapping his arms around me. I expected him to fall asleep, but instead, he said, “I’ve missed you. Tell me what you’ve been doing.”

“Seriously? I should be asking you that. I’ve just been working.”

“Have you gotten a chance to work on any of that, what did you call it, Python?”

“I can’t believe you remembered I was working on that.”

“You said you hoped they’d let you get some experience.”

I’d mentioned it during one of our FaceTime calls, but I hadn’t dwelled on it. I didn’t think he’d find it that interesting. It touched me that he’d picked up on it. “Yeah, Ajit—that’s my co-worker—is teaching me.”

“And will they let you program?”

I sighed and turned to face him. “I doubt it. Ajit says I have a solid sense of the basics, but it’s not enough.” I bit my lip for a second before articulating the dream I’d begun to cultivate. “I think I want to take classes, maybe get a certification or two. Then I might be able to show them that I could join their team as a full-time developer instead of someone who comes up with ideas to pass along to them to code.”

“So why don’t you? There are probably summer classes. Have you looked into it?”

The wheels were spinning in my head. I was never going to fall asleep with all the possibilities. “I’m going to look into it tomorrow.”

Chapter Twenty-Five

Tomorrow came a hell of a lot earlier than I ever thought possible. I nearly slept through my alarm. Shane didn’t stir until I broke out of his stranglehold to turn my phone off. Then he grabbed me and pulled me back into him, whispering, “Stay.”

“I can’t.”

“I know.” He frowned. “Hurry back home. I’ll make dinner.”

“You cook?” This man would never stop surprising me.

“I’m an amazing cook. Just you wait.”

I could not wait. But work also couldn’t, so I got up, showered, and dressed, planting one last kiss on my gorgeous drummer boy before heading out for the day.

Fortunately, the day was routine. I had meetings. I put in my headphones and worked on a new proposal based on tools I’d found lacking while working on my blog post. I chatted in the breakroom with Ajit about his plans to take his kids to Disney for the first time. I got an email from Lars about setting up a rehearsal with Whiplash in a couple of weeks and nearly fell out of my chair. I texted the news to Ash and basked in her gushing.

At five, I yawned and stretched, closed my laptop, and made the mental trip from my cube, down the elevator, out to the street, into the subway station, through the tunnels, and finally up the stairs into Brooklyn where Shane waited for me. From there, my thoughts turned pornographic. Was it possible to wear him out?

Whatever hesitation I’d felt at the start of this fling or whatever it was, I’d only grown more attached to him. And he’d become more trusting. Everything was perfect.

I pictured him sitting in his apartment staring at the door, wearing nothing but a towel. My thighs cramped in agony.

When I opened the front door, Shane did sit on the sofa, elbows on his knees, staring at his open laptop on the coffee table. He so rarely cracked out the big tech, I wondered if he was writing music. My face broke out into the stupidest grin, thinking he might be writing me a love song.

“Whatcha doing?” I plopped beside him, expecting him to Copyright 2016 - 2024