Kind of Famous - Mary Ann Marlowe Page 0,83

foolish, but I geared up and entered the burning building.

“Shane, look at me.” He turned his head. I gazed into his eyes, hoping our connection would survive this necessary dose of reality. “You never have to worry that I’m going to dump you for Noah or Micah. Or anyone, really.” He started to answer. I laid a finger over his lips. “But you have to realize that what will come between us is this mistrust and jealousy.”

His forehead creased, and he nodded slightly. I went on.

“I’ve had incredible role models who showed me how a good relationship works. My dad and brother each fell in love with their longtime best friends. They modeled respect and autonomy for me, so, mentally, I know that men can be rational, but I’ve run into my fair share of possessive guys who didn’t know where they ended and I began. It was a total shock to me when every relationship turned into a shit show.”

I paused to give Shane a second to catch up. “I’m listening.”

“I understand you can’t control how you feel, but I don’t want to have to tiptoe around your fragile ego and worry that any stupid joke is going to trigger a freeze out. I need you to give me room to breathe.”

“You don’t have to tiptoe around me. You’ve done nothing wrong. This is something for me to work out, and I will.” He kissed the tip of my nose. “I promise.”

I knew it wasn’t something he could promise. “It means a lot that you’re trying.”

“Maybe we could give each other time to get used to all of this? Like you said, things are changing so fast.”

“Sure.” It was a reasonable request. We both needed time to catch up to our new reality. I only hoped he wasn’t counting on dealing with his jealousy by waiting for me to stop fangirling. Because I wasn’t sure I ever would.

He nudged me so he could wrap an arm around my shoulder and pull me into him. “I’m sorry I spoiled the evening.”

I kissed his neck. “Do you really want to keep talking when we only have tonight?”

His chest rumbled with soft laughter. “I really am a moron to have wasted our time dwelling on this.”

“No. It’s good we talked. But now I don’t want to anymore.” I dragged my fingers around his back and slipped his shirt off. “Mmm. This is the body I’ve been longing to kiss.”

His shoulders relaxed, and the mood began to change for the better. I spent time getting to know his ab muscles which, for the record, were defined and fabulous. I unbuttoned and unzipped his fly, and he let me push his pants down. His boxers followed. And then he was in the flesh.

“You are the most beautiful man I’ve ever laid eyes on.”

A sigh escaped him, and he laid me back down on the bed, whatever pity party apparently forgotten. He took control and began undressing me, slowly, as he kissed my skin wherever it became bare.

“Condom?” he asked.

“Do you need one? Has anything changed?”

“Just checking. Nothing’s changed.”

He wrapped his hands around my waist and dragged me to the edge of the bed. When he entered me, we both muttered oaths. His was more profanity, mine more prayer.

When he was in to the hilt, he dropped forward and kissed me. “I’ve missed you.”


“I didn’t even know you existed, and now I can’t live without you. How is that possible?”

“I don’t know.”

“It’s like I was waiting for you.” As he kissed me again, he drew back and slid in again, and color exploded behind my eyelids like fireworks.

“Don’t stop, Shane. That feels so good.”

“I love the way you feel. I love your body. I love being with you.”

His words elicited emotion that mixed with the physical sensations to form a heady sense that I could only call love, though I had nothing to compare it with. I loved Shane’s body. I loved being with him. Did I love him?

Did he love me?

This was stronger than a casual encounter, and although I didn’t know if I could trust it, I gave in to the moment, to the glorious Hurricane Shane, taking what he needed from me and giving me exactly what I desired. And I came hard a second time, saying his name again and again.

At last, he dropped beside me, breathing hard. “Christ, Layla. I think I’m falling for you.”

My hunger grumbles broke the moment, so we ordered room service and talked about where they’d Copyright 2016 - 2024