Kind of Famous - Mary Ann Marlowe Page 0,73

and like so many fans, I couldn’t get enough of their surprising onstage antics. The first time I saw Micah bodysurf across the audience, I knew I’d be a fan for life.

I never expected I’d ever meet the band. I’m just a Midwestern music fan. Never scored a backstage pass. Never went to a meet and greet. I’ve always been in it for the music, but I’d be lying if I didn’t confess a certain idol worship of the guys who bring this music to life.

Today my lucky stars converged, and I got the chance to meet them, hang out with them, and watch them banter, fight over setlists, cover a couple of songs, and perform unreleased music.

And as the ultimate treat, I get to share my score with fellow fans.

Here are my impressions from the day.

Micah Sinclair is as hot as you think he is. He’s also incredibly generous and as easy-going as you’d expect a Libra to be, but it was impressive to watch his leadership skills in action.

Noah Kennedy loves to play to the camera. He has a reputation for his fiery personality, and he didn’t disappoint. Between sets, the give-and-take between Noah and Shane could get blistering.

Shane Morgan is my secret favorite. He’s a madman on the drums as you ought to know already if you’re a fan. You’ll also be aware that he’s kind and funny. I can attest to how hot he is in person, and all I can say is: Hands off, ladies. I saw him first.

Rick Walters hangs back and does his thing, which is to show how to play a bass guitar righteously. I really loved watching him at work, but I don’t think we exchanged two words the entire day.

As it was a rehearsal and not a live show, the guys were more subdued than I’m used to, but it made for a more intimate experience. It was awesome just to focus on the music which as always blew my mind.

Videos with new music, including two covers and some between song banter are posted below the fold.

Chapter Twenty

As nice as it had been to get chauffeured or taxied to work, the subway presented a certain amount of novelty for this Indiana girl. I didn’t mind riding in and watching all the different people around me, most of whom seemed considerably more bored than I was.

Even the thrill of emerging into Times Square hadn’t worn off yet. I still couldn’t believe I had the most amazing job at the most amazing music magazine in the most amazing city in the world. I breathed it in, foul-smelling gutter garbage and all.

Once on my floor, I nestled into my cube and prepared for the morning scrum. My plans for automating Tweets had gotten provisional approval. Ajit anticipated no problems implementing the proposals. He wondered why they’d never coded it before. The meeting went smoothly, signing off on estimates and deadlines.

I was in a fine mood as we broke up and I headed back to my desk where I discovered an email from Lars telling me I was free to post the blog I’d set up. Holding my breath, I hit submit.

And just like that, my name was on the front page of the Rock Paper.

The adrenaline from that experience came rushing back as I clicked through and watched one of the videos. Would I get lucky enough to do it again? I composed a quick email.


Thank you for this opportunity. I wanted to let you know that Adam Copeland loved this idea so much he invited me to their rehearsal on Friday. Please let me know your thoughts. I’d need to clear it with Byron of course.


There. I wanted to get that on the books. My stomach swirled with excitement. My God. Walking Disaster in a small room. Just me and them. Could I make a request? I wished I could post about it to the fan forum and solicit opinions on what to ask them to play.

I wished I could tell the posters anything about this at all.

As I stood to go grab a cup of coffee, Gabe stepped out from between the cubes, blocking my path.

“Now I understand why you found my review too critical.”

“I never said your review was too critical. I only questioned your assumptions and conclusions.” I tried to move around him, but he put his hand over the nearest cube wall, and I realized I’d be doing the limbo to get through him.

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