Kind of Famous - Mary Ann Marlowe Page 0,68

in public, and I was sure they were unabashedly physical in private.

I could go home with Shane and keep my things with Jo, but what was the difference between sleeping over at Shane’s with or without my stuff?

Funny how’d I’d been worried about a one-night stand a day ago, and now I was parsing out the legalities of shacking up.

Plus Shane would be leaving on tour, and I could move out before he got back. Once I’d settled on a course of action, I carried my suitcases to the top of the stairs.

Shane bounded up and grabbed them for me. He’d already called an Uber, and it stood waiting out front.

As I babbled out my thanks and goodbyes, Jo gave me a hug and whispered in my ear, “If you change your mind before you find a place, please give me a call.”

Eden slid one arm around my back in a side hug. Joshua cradled in her other arm. “Either way, when they’re on the road, feel free to come hang out with us.”

Jo shot a glance at Micah who was wadding up gift wrap cast offs. “I can always use the company when they’re gone. Come on Friday, and we’ll marathon all the rom coms Micah doesn’t like to watch.”

Eden nodded. “Ooh! I’m so there. Can we rent Guardians of the Galaxy?”

Jo snorted. “That’s not a rom com!”

“It’s not? But it’s got Chris Pratt!”

It cracked me up that Eden was married to a man thousands of women fantasized about and still had her own celebrity crush.

I told them, “I’ll definitely be there,” still in shock that this had become my life.

Shane called for me, and I climbed into the cab ahead of him. He didn’t immediately scoot over next to me, so I slid against him and nudged him. “Hey.”


“Are you mad at me?”

“Of course not.”

I tilted my head to look him straight on. “You’re annoyed, though. I’m sorry I keep losing my shit.”

“I’m annoyed at myself, not you.”

“It’s not me, it’s you? Should I be worried?”

He cut his eyes at me finally with a little sigh. “No. It just stings to watch your girlfriend fall under the spell of your friends. I get it, mentally, but it’s tough to watch.”

Girlfriend? There was that word again. I guess I was.

“I’m sorry. I have to confess I’m a bigger fan of his than I let on.” It was a relief to unload some truth.

“No shit. That much is obvious.”

“He’s kind of a big deal. You said so yourself.”

“I would have thought the novelty would wear off.” He looked out the window. “Like I said, it’s me, not you. I’ve seen it happen before. Too many times.”

“Seen what?”

“The gravitational pull.”

“There’s no gravitational pull. I’m just starstruck.”

“Your eyes turned into saucers.” He shook his head, but at least he chuckled, and I felt less chided than mocked. “I expected to see them spinning like a hypnotized cartoon cat.”

“I did kind of space out there. It’s surreal for someone like me. I’m from central Indiana. I’ve never met anyone. I’m suddenly thrust into your world. Give me a minute to catch up.”

“Adam said it best. Take your time. I’ll try not to die of jealousy every time you make googly eyes at my best friends instead of me.”

I wasn’t making googly eyes. Okay, maybe I was, but how could I explain that it was more like meeting Jesus than Fabio. I was in awe, but I had no romantic feelings for any of those guys. Sure, I could objectively appreciate their glorious gorgeousness, but Shane had nothing to worry about. At least not on that score. Shane was real. Those people were all make believe.

“Trust me. You don’t want me to look at you like that.” I clasped his hand and attempted to adopt a come-hither gaze.

It must have worked. The rest of the tension seeped out of him, and he leaned over to brush his lips against mine, but his anxiety must have transferred to me. I couldn’t put my finger on what was bothering me. Maybe I was just out of sorts from moving my suitcases yet again. Maybe it was the speed at which things were changing. It felt like something lurked in the closet. It was time to have a conversation about where things were going with this relationship. But not in the back of an Uber.

I pulled back. “How long until we get home?”

“Home.” He smiled. “I like it when you say that.”

I didn’t have the heart to Copyright 2016 - 2024