Kind of Famous - Mary Ann Marlowe Page 0,113

“He’s gone home.”

Jo ran her fingers through his thick blond hair. “She never saw the video. We just played it for her.”

His eyes widened. “Are you shitting me?”

Without realizing I’d stood, I found myself on the other side of the sofa grabbing my purse strap. Then I remembered Ash.

“Ash, I’m gonna—”

“Go! Go! I think I’ll be okay.” She poked her head twice in Noah’s direction, and I had to laugh. Poor Noah.

“Micah, is your driver here? Can I borrow your car?”

“It’s a service. One can’t be too far away. Give me a minute.”

I weighed out how long it would take to walk and agreed to wait. Everything was a blur until I stood outside Shane’s front door. When had I punched in the security code and climbed the stairs?

I put the key in the lock and pushed open the door. His living room and kitchen were empty. No sign that he’d even come home, yet. I quietly climbed the stairs and emerged in a deserted bedroom. His rectangular black duffel bag sat at the foot of the bed.

The bathroom door was ajar, and the light was out, leaving one place he could possibly be. I squared my shoulders facing his music room/office. I’d never gone in there before. I tapped on the door, and it flew open.


A myriad of expressions crossed his face. Wide-eyed surprise melted into relief that blossomed into that gorgeous smile I’d missed like the sun in winter. Tears filled my eyes, and I took a tentative step forward, hoping that everything I’d interpreted from his song, from his message meant what I wanted it to. I swallowed, searching his eyes for the forgiveness he’d promised me through ten thousand videos.

Without words, he swept me into his arms, mouth on my forehead, fingers in my hair, lips on my lips. “You’re here.”

“I’m here.”

“When you didn’t respond, I didn’t think I’d see you again.”

“I never saw your song, Shane. Your brilliant, heart-wrenching, loins-on-fire, beautiful love song.”

His eyebrow arched. “Loins on fire?”

I shoved his chest, then grabbed the fabric on his shirt and pulled him back. “I deleted my website.”

“What?” It came out as a laugh. “Why?”

“Because I don’t need it. My friend Ash reminded me there’s nothing wrong with fandom, but for me, that site had become an unhealthy substitute for real relationships.”

“Your friend is very wise.”

“It wasn’t worth losing you over.”

He held up a hand. “No, you weren’t in the wrong there. I shouldn’t have reacted the way I did.”

“You shouldn’t have.” I laughed. “But still. I’m sorry. I understand how finding that site would play into every one of your worst fears. You had valid concerns. I’m sorry I walked away instead of trying to work it out.”

“It’s true. Finding that site hit every single button, but I reacted poorly. I can’t believe I was such an idiot. Micah told me every day I was an idiot, and one day, I woke up and realized he was right. I did the one thing that you’d told me would wreck our relationship. I wanted you so much I chased you away. How dumb is that?”

My stomach flipped. “Do you still want me?”

“Is it possible to want you even more?” His strong hands grasped my waist, and he hoisted me up. My legs wound around him.

I needed to touch him and slid my fingers behind his neck, tracing the skin under his collar, but I wanted to make sure he wasn’t going to freak out again every time I turned into a gawking fan girl. I needed to know we weren’t going to have this fight until the end of time.

“And if I want to sit in on Whiplash’s rehearsal next week?”

“Whatever you want, Layla. That will always be your choice.”

I hugged him. “Thank you.”

“So you forgive me?”

“You are forgiven, Shane. Just—”

“Just what?”

“Give me a little room to breathe.”

“I know. That was the point of my song. I—”

“No. I mean, right now. You’re squeezing me too tight.”

His chest rumbled with laughter, and he carried me to the bed and laid me down. “I promise I’ll treat you like a butterfly. I’m so fucking glad you came back.”

He laid down beside me, and we rolled on our sides, fingers gently touching any exposed skin. I said, “I don’t know how I was so lucky to find you.”

“You didn’t find me. You plunged into my life like a comet.”

I smiled. “Leftover song lyrics?”

“So busted.” He rested a palm on my cheek, gazing into my eyes. “I’m the one who’s fallen. Copyright 2016 - 2024