Kind of Famous - Mary Ann Marlowe Page 0,101

pressed his lips together, more sympathetic than I would have expected given the circumstances. He reached over and touched my arm. I nearly jerked back, but he said, “Layla. I’m sorry. I mean it.”

“Yeah, well.” I shrugged. “Whatcha gonna do?”

“I’m serious.” His fingers tightened. “You deserve better.”

Clearly, he meant himself. His eyes softened, and those pretty lips curved. I could objectively see that he was attractive. And attracted to me. He’d apologized. If we’d only just met, I might have given him a chance.

It wasn’t like I’d be cheating on Shane either. Shane had thrown away his shot.

But Gabe and I hadn’t just met, and there was too much water under the bridge. He sent my spidey senses into overdrive, and my heart revolted at the thought of him.


I turned to walk back toward the office, but to spare us any awkwardness, I changed the subject. “Thanks for listening. Tell me about Metallica.”

Chapter Twenty-Nine

Sometime during lunch, Ash called and left a voicemail message.

“Circumstances changed. I’m flying in tomorrow. I know it’s super short notice, but I’d still love to get a chance to meet up. My flight arrives around two, then I’ve got to find a place to stay somewhere in the Brooklyn area. I don’t really know my way around. I looked on Travelocity for a hotel, but damn, they’re so expensive. Maybe you could give me a recommendation. Anyway, I don’t know if I can go all the way into the city. Maybe I could come find you tomorrow night. I don’t want to inconvenience you though.” She finally took a breath before awkwardly signing off. “Sorry for the long rambling message. I’ll talk to you later.”

I knew I should offer to put her up, but I didn’t know how Jo would feel about it. Plus, I had no idea how long Ash was planning to stay. For all I knew, she was moving here indefinitely. For all I knew, she was moving in on my new life.

That thought twisted my gut. It was unfair, and I chased it away. She’d done nothing to warrant my suspicions. Yet there they were. Lately so many people I’d rarely spoken to were finding reasons to message me for favors.

I fought creeping doubts and decided to trust her intentions. After all we’d known each other for years.

I texted Jo: A friend is coming to town for some family emergency tomorrow. Do you mind if I let her stay on the sofa/floor/bed for a couple of nights? I promise to get my living situation squared away asap.

She shot back a short No problem.

It felt weird inviting someone from the fan world into my little musician bubble, but hopefully Ash would be cool about it.

Jo can put you up for the night.

The incoming text from Ash didn’t settle my nerves.

So, you really are staying with her? That’s incredible. But Micah won’t be there right? They’re on tour still?

Yup. Until early next week. I’m not staying permanently anyway. I’m looking for a new place.

So, you’re not Shane’s girlfriend?

I rubbed my eyelids. Is this what fame was? Just a million people knowing your business? Then again, if they were so interested in me, they’d have figured out we broke up. Thankfully, Shane’s antics didn’t generally make the gossip pages.


That’s too bad. He looks like a cutie. Maybe I’ll bump him up in the pretend boyfriend list.

She meant it as a joke. I didn’t like it one bit though. I wanted to text back: Hands off! Mine! But that wasn’t true. It brought home how I’d eventually watch him find someone who wasn’t me. I’d watch him move on.

I had to keep telling myself we weren’t right for each other. He should find someone else. As should I.

On Tuesday, Ash texted just after three to let me know she’d arrived. I told her how to get to Jo’s, then left work early to meet her there.

The first few minutes were spent hugging and saying how great it was to see each other. She insisted we take a photo together to put up on the site. She said she was going to title it: Fearless leader and her acolyte.

I didn’t protest. My cover had been blown. Why deny her a little fun?

She gawked at Jo’s townhouse. “I’d kill for a place like this, even in Portland. Must be incredibly expensive, huh?”

I shrugged. “You want some water? Or we could go out and get coffee?”

“Water’s fine. I don’t want to put you out. If you have Copyright 2016 - 2024