Killian (Hope City #8) - Kris Michaels Page 0,20

jeans. “We wanted to make a community pier and amusement park venue. You know, rides, food stands, and games. Something that could be open during the summer to bring people down to the Harbor. But we can’t without that elbow of land that reaches inward.”

“That would make that side of the Harbor a happening place.” Bekki moved away from the door. “It has been an interesting evening, Mr. Ganas.”

“Indeed, it has been, Ms. King.” He opened the door and Duke slipped out. “Perhaps we’ll see each other at family events.”

Bekki laughed. “Is that a polite way of telling me to find someone else to answer my questions?”

Killian felt his face heat. He dipped his head. “It is a polite way to say I’m going to be busy for the next three years. Enjoy your investigation.”

“Oh, I will. Don’t forget to watch me Wednesday at five.” Bekki leaned out of her condo and called to him as he walked away.

He lifted his hand in acknowledgement. Duke huffed as he plodded beside him. “Don’t get attached to the pretty lady, bud. She’s way more work than we want.” He opened his truck door while Duke relieved himself on a fire hydrant. The lights in her condo were still glowing. He had a headache, no doubt from trying to keep up with her zig-zagging conversation all evening. The woman was pretty—hell, she was gorgeous—but he’d probably strangle her if he was forced to spend more than a couple hours with her. Or strangle himself. It would be a close call.

Chapter 6

Bekki shook her head as if the act could dislodge the assignment from her plate. “Seriously, can’t A.J. or Shayla take this one?” She’d spent the last three days pulling data and talking to people down at City Hall and the county clerk’s office. There was no time for… this.

“Well, yes, they could if you don’t want your job. There are specific requirements for our on-air reporters, and frankly, you haven’t been a team player this quarter.” Landon Mills, her supervisor and segment producer, leaned back in his squeaky office chair and crossed his arms. “I’ve covered for you, but the line in the sand has been drawn. You’re handling the next two months’ worth of special interest coverage plus any breaking news.”

Two months! Her mouth dropped open and she snapped it shut before a string of cuss words that would make her brothers blush came out of her mouth. How could this be happening now? She’d been absent, but she’d done her fair share of work. “I rotate the breaking news, I always have, but what about my investigation?”

“Unless you’ve briefed it at all-call, you’ll need to do it on your time, or give it to us and let us run with it.” Landon shrugged. “There is no prima donna at this station, Bekki. We all work hard, and you don’t get to be the exception.”

“What about my suggestion of a series on the economic impact of the marathon next year?”

“You get to do it. Next year.”

“Councilman Davis?”

“Do the interview and I’ll look at the raw footage. If there is a story there, we’ll air it. In the meantime, here are the assignment sheets with the dates and locations.

She glanced down and groaned, “The Hope City Kennel Club Show?”

“My favorite is Oktoberfest, but hey, if you want to bitch about it, I can give it to someone else.”

“No, thanks, that’s the only halfway decent story on the sheet.” At least she’d get to drink after the ninety-second clip. “Can I take Riley to City Hall? My appointment is in an hour.”

Landon leaned over and looked at the assignment sheet. “Riley is with Susan doing a story. Take Stuart.”

“All right.” She gathered her paperwork and turned to leave.

“King.” She turned and stared at him over her shoulder. “That investigation you’re working on. Is there anything to it?”

“Not what I originally thought, but I’ve been asking questions and doing some digging. Something stinks. I’ll find it and dig it up.” She adjusted her position to face him. “Why?”

Landon lowered his voice. “Keep it up. Don’t stop, no matter how many shit assignments you get. Understand?”

Her eyebrows lifted. Well, that explained just about everything, didn’t it? Except one thing. “Nobody knows what I’m looking into.”

“They know you’re pulling information and talking to the clerks and secretaries. Be careful, King. I think the network wanted you shuffled off the story, but if you can get the facts, I’ll make sure it runs one way or the Copyright 2016 - 2024