Killer's Obsession (Phantom Bastards MC #5) - Erin Osborne Page 0,99

the prospect of having to chase off boys and everything else that comes with raising little girls instead of boys.

“Now,” Shy begins, “While the men are out grilling the meat and getting the rest of the food ready, we have a surprise for you.”

“What do you mean?” I question the women surrounding me.

“We’re throwing you and Killer a baby shower today. There’s no better time than when we’re all here together already,” Jennifer responds, a smile lighting up her face.

Turning my head, I look at Killer who’s watching me. He knew about this. We each had a secret for today. My heart fills with love at the thought of these people doing this for us. They’ve already done so much for me and I’ll never be able to repay them. They don’t expect me to either. That’s what family does for one another and how we operate as a club.

I’m walked over to the rocking chair where Sam helps me sit down. Shy and Kim are ushering the men through the back door of the clubhouse so we can have some time to ourselves in here.

“Since we know the men won’t stay outside and you’re going to want to eat soon, we don’t have all the games and things planned for today. You’ll be opening gifts before we eat and then I know Killer is gonna make you rest,” Sally tells me as she sits down on the edge of the chair next to me.

Sally looks beautiful today. She’s wearing a multi-colored maxi dress with her hair pinned up on her head. Loose tendrils fall here and there. The only thing taking away from her natural beauty is the sadness filling her eyes and haunting her. The death of her daughter’s father, Killian, still haunts her to this day. Stryker’s been by her side since she moved here, and I fear one of them are going to get hurt because Sally doesn’t seem ready to let go of Killian’s ghost yet.

“Are you doing okay?” I ask her, reaching out to place my hand on her own as the rest of the women begin to bring all the gifts over to me with the help of Tommy and Rich.

“I’m okay. There’s still good and bad days,” she answers, unshed tears filling her eyes. “Today is about you and those two princesses you’re going to bring into the club family.”

“I’ll let you get away with it today. Just please know I’m here if you ever need to talk or anything,” I offer her.

“Thank you, Gwen,” she replies as Kim hands me the first present to open.

For the next hour and a half, I open one present after another. Killer and I have been given everything a baby, or two, could ever need. We’ve got clothes, blankets, sets for the cribs, mobiles, bath stuff, diapers, wipes, different creams for diaper rashes, laundry soap specialized for babies’ tender skin, bottles pacifiers, boppy pillows, swings, and some toys. Tears have filled my eyes at each new item I remove from the bags and boxes. Especially when I see little shoes for girls and headbands.

“Um, we’re not done yet. There are some special gifts we have to go outside to see,” Shy tells me, helping me out of the rocking chair.

“Why would we have to go outside?” I question her as Killer makes his way into the common room.

Everyone steps back as we walk out the front door. There’s an enclosed trailer parked in the middle of the parking lot. Stryker and Tommy open the door and tears fill my eyes. I know exactly where Stryker and Killer went today. They went to Clifton Falls. Sitting inside the large trailer rests two identical cribs with the Phantom Bastards colors burned into them. Two dressers and a toy box also fill the trailer. Killer walks to the truck hooked to the trailer and opens the back door. He brings me back a large box.

Raising my eyes, I have a feeling I know what this is. Having been at the Wild Kings in Clifton Falls, this box is from Bailey. I open the package while Killer hangs on to it. Resting inside sit two outfits. One onesie is white while the other one is black. Each one says Phantom Bastards Princess on them. Little skirts and black booties rest in the package along with the onesies. There are two little black leather jackets. Pulling one out of the box, I turn it around and the tears I’ve been Copyright 2016 - 2024