Killer's Obsession (Phantom Bastards MC #5) - Erin Osborne Page 0,80

Killer doesn’t like how close we are, but he accepts it. I view Rich as a brother and nothing more. We annoy one another and roast each other like there’s no tomorrow. We talk about things and he helps me around the house when Killer isn’t home. Honestly, Killer doesn’t trust anyone else to watch over me when he can’t. Unless it’s a full patch member. The Prospects haven’t proven themselves enough for him to trust them with me.

Killer is overprotective of me even more so now than before. I can’t lift anything, including a damn glass of water and carry it from the kitchen to the living room. If I bend over, he’s up my ass making sure I don’t fall over or pull anything. Forget about letting me take a shower by myself. Even if he wakes me up so I can shower with him in the morning, I’m up earlier than I want to. The only good thing about getting up early is seeing Killer naked. He won’t touch me right yet, but I still admire the view for as long as I can. We’re both becoming frustrated, but I’m not fully cleared for everything just yet.

Today I’m sitting in Phantom Ink. Rich has gone to get lunch and everyone in the shop is busy with clients. I’m playing around on my phone while alternately looking out the window in front of me. My lunch won’t be coming from the diner just down from the shop either. From now on an ol’ lady will be making my lunch and Rich will pick it up. No one is taking any chances with my food being tampered with again.

Everyone else orders their food from other diners for the time being as well. We don’t know who’s the one to mess with my food or how they got in the diner to make sure it was done. No one’s claiming to know any information at this point. Since most of the businesses around here understand the club tries to help out the community as much as they can, they’d be talking if they knew anything. Well, everyone except for the women who waitress at the diner. They don’t give a fuck about anyone other than themselves. It’s proven on a daily basis with the way they ignore their female customers and only concern themselves with the men. It’s not attractive at all.

Suddenly, the front door of the shop opens and one of the women from my group comes in. The smile on her face indicates how nervous she is along with her eyes darting all over the place. Kendra isn’t normally a nervous person so I’m instantly on alert.

“Kendra, are you okay?” I ask, wanting to get up and go to her, but I know I can’t.

“Yeah. I just found out some news and it’s about you. I’ve been seeing this guy and I overheard a conversation he was having a little while ago. Apparently, the guy you were talking about at the meeting, Neil, is out of prison. He’s got plans to get you back. There are a total of three men who are going to make the grab; including Neil,” Kendra tells me. “I knew I had to get to you and let you know.”

“Are you sure?” I ask her, needing to know she’s positive about what she heard.

“Yeah. The packages you’ve been getting, Neil’s behind them. He had one of the guys go and pack up different things that were left at the house and is taunting you with them. The food that made you sick, was all because of Neil. He’s been working everything from inside the prison until he got out. No one knows he’s out of prison yet. You should have been alerted to it, but I know he’s got pull and can ensure no one knows anything he doesn’t want them to. The only reason I know is because I found his phone when he got in the shower. There were messages about packages being delivered to you and everything else.”

“Okay,” I tell her, my voice trembling. “What are you gonna do now?”

“I’m getting out of here. If I’d known he had anything to do with coming after you or harming you, I’d have been here sooner,” Kendra says, tears streaking down her face. “I’m so sorry.”

Before I can utter another word to her, Kendra turns on her heel and rushes from the shop. She almost knocks Rich over as he’s about to Copyright 2016 - 2024