Killer's Obsession (Phantom Bastards MC #5) - Erin Osborne Page 0,45

it off at the house.”

“Sparrow, I wish I could be there for you. I’d make this all go away in a heartbeat. I still don’t know when I’ll be back. For now, I want you to go to your sister’s place. Fox will be there, and he’ll watch over you. I don’t want just a Prospect on you until we figure out what’s goin’ on. Is Rich lettin’ anyone know?” he questions me.

“Yeah. He said he was gonna call Slim and let him know what’s going on. I don’t want to bring this to Kim and Fox’s house, Killer,” I tell him.

“You have two choices right now Gwen since I’m not there. You can go to the clubhouse and stay there. Or you can go to your sister’s house,” he orders me. “Pack a bag for a few days at least. I don’t want you goin’ anywhere without Rich and a full patch on you. I’d prefer you not to go outside, period.”

“Fine, Killer,” I huff out, anger taking over from me being scared now.

“I’ll be home as soon as I can. You message me constantly, so I know you’re okay. If I don’t hear from you, I’ll spank your ass when I get home,” he orders me once more.

“You won’t get close enough to spank me,” I state as if I know what I’m talking about.

In reality, the thought of Killer spanking me is warming my body from head to toe. My panties are getting wet and the tremble in my body now has nothing to do with fear but an entirely different reason.

“You’re thinkin’ about it aren’t you?” Killer asks me. “I gotta go. I want to know when you get to your sister’s house. Make sure you message me.”

“Yes, sir,” I reply, hanging up the phone so I don’t have to hear his reply.

Instead, my phone vibrates in my hand. Looking at it, I see it’s a message from Killer.

Killer: That’s one. I’ll be keeping score.

Me: That’s not one. You’ll never get close enough.

Killer: You’re sleeping in my bed from now on. I’ll be more than close enough to spank your ass.

Me: Not gonna happen. You can keep dreaming though.

Killer: I’ll definitely be dreaming about that ass.

I toss my phone down and grab a bag so I can pack some clothes. Once I get my clothes together, I walk in the bathroom where I stashed my toiletries. I’m not sure what Killer’s going to think about all of my things intermingled with his. We’ll find out when he gets home and sees the reality of it.

Once I have everything gathered and packed up in the bag, I make my way to the kitchen where I see Rich. He’s cleaning the counter where the box was sitting, and it’s disappeared. I’m glad I don’t have to see it for another second. He looks up at me while still on the phone with someone. I’m not sure if it’s Slim or someone else.

“I’m takin’ her to Fox’s house. Killer’s on the phone with him now. He sent me a message lettin’ me know to take her there. Killer wants me to stay there until he can get back to her,” Rich says, never taking his eyes off me as I add my purse, phone, and charger to the bag I’ve already packed.

Rich hangs up his phone and grabs everything he’s got in the house. It’s only his bag full of clothes and who knows what else. We leave the house, though he keeps me behind his body this time. If someone is coming for me, they’re gonna have to get through Rich before me. He’s definitely taking his job seriously. Once I get in the car, Rich quickly goes to his bike and we take off from the house. He follows me all the way to my sister’s house.

When we pull in the driveway, Fox is waiting out on the porch for us. He leaves the porch in order to meet me at the car. Rich and him cover me as we race inside. Kim is nowhere to be seen so I head directly for the room I’ll be staying in. Rich will be in the room next to me based on him walking in there and setting his bag down as I pass.

Pulling my phone from my pocket, I pull up my messages and make sure I let Killer know I’m safely at my sister’s house. Once that’s done, I climb in bed and pull the blankets up Copyright 2016 - 2024