Killer's Obsession (Phantom Bastards MC #5) - Erin Osborne Page 0,37

I quickly wash before getting out and drying off. The only thing I want now is bed so I can read a book for a little bit before tomorrow comes. It’s a boring life, but it’s mine. It’s what I want to do and no one tells me I can’t do it because they don’t want me to have a life or I’m too busy doing whatever they need me to do for them.

These are the thoughts racing through my mind as I wrap my towel around me so I can head into my room. I dress in a pair of pajama shorts and a tank top before putting the towel up to dry. Grabbing my phone, I climb in bed so I can read. Since my phone is lit up, I turn out the lamp on my nightstand and snuggle under the covers. Before I know it, sleep is claiming me and I’m still holding my phone as my eyes slide shut and I dream of Killer and the way our bodies were pressed together while he was showing me moves.

Chapter Ten


LAST NIGHT WITH Gwen was a stupid as fuck move on my part for two main reasons. I know she’s been wearing tighter, and smaller clothes, compared to the baggy as hell clothes Gwen used to wear when she first came to Benton Falls. However, I wasn’t expecting her to come down in a pair of leggings that hugged her body in all the right places. I wanted to peel them down her legs and leave her in nothing but her panties. Those thoughts didn’t help the raging hard on I already had going on. On top of that, she was wearing a tank top showing most of her sides. I swear the holes cut down until just above her leggings. Nothing but a sports bra covered her tits, and they did nothing for supporting her as my arm pressed against her chest.

On top of seeing so much of Gwen’s exposed, golden brown skin on display, I noticed the scars she sports. There is no other way to describe them except for battle scars. She has gone through hell, survived, and will thrive in her life moving forward. I’ll make sure of it. This does nothing to quench my thirst for getting revenge for my woman against her father and Neil. While her father is easier to get to, I still have to set plans in motion and make sure there’s no blowback on anyone involved. This won’t be a club thing; it’s personal to me. I’m going to be the one who takes these two fuckers down because of the pain they caused her, the demons she still fights on a daily basis, and the fear and torment hiding in her eyes when she forgets to hide that part of her.

From the skin I saw last night, scars fill her back, her sides, and a few reside on her stomach. Her body is tone even with the curves she has. I want to kiss each and every scar covering her skin to let her know I don’t find them unattractive or unappealing. There was a second when she first took her tank top off that she hesitated. Gwen was worried about what I was going to think of her skin and the scars marring her beautiful body. When I didn’t take my eyes off hers, she shrugged her shoulders, shook her body out, and came back to working with me.

Apart from seeing her body more than I ever have before and realizing the scars she wears as badges of her time spent in hell, our bodies were in close contact for almost two straight hours. Every single time I brushed my arm against her tits, or her ass bumped against my cock it was sweet torture. I want to have her body pressed against mine while I’m showing her how a real man loves his woman. Then when we’re ready to sleep with nothing separating her silky-smooth skin from my own. I want her head resting on my chest with her soft, long hair flowing out behind her. Even if her hair ends up covering my face and almost choking me out as we sleep, I don’t give a shit. I’ll take whatever she wants to give me and cherish every single second.

My cock was ready to come out to play when I watched Gwen walk over to me. As we began to work out and become Copyright 2016 - 2024