Killer's Obsession (Phantom Bastards MC #5) - Erin Osborne Page 0,112

smile at him.

“You suck at lyin’,” Killer informs me. “Once your done eatin’, we’re goin’ home. I want you in bed restin’.”

“Yes, sir,” I tease him, even adding in a salute.

“If you weren’t so pregnant, you’d be payin’ for that sass later on,” he teases me, a smirk on his sexy face.

“I’m sure we could make some time for that punishment to happen,” I taunt back.

“Not happenin’, Sparrow.”

Killer gets up and pulls a chair over next to me. Grabbing a beer from one of the many coolers, my husband sits back and holds my hand as we watch the kids play in the yard and the men standing around talking in groups while cooking. Soon, the women are bringing out the salads and other food they prepared today while I was still at the house resting and trying to clean.

I get another twinge in my back and can’t hide it from Killer.

“What’s wrong, Gwen?” he questions me, sitting up straight in his chair and looking at me.

“It’s nothing, babe. I’ve been getting twinges in my back on and off all day. I’ll be okay. I’m sure it’s just those Braxton hicks things the doctor was telling us about,” I respond, trying to reassure him there’s nothing wrong with me.

“Are you sure that’s all it is?” he questions me, a worried expression filling his face as Kim and Fox make their way over to me.

“I’m sure that’s all it is,” I tell him, hoping I’m right and it’s nothing more than that.

Killer doesn’t say anything, he simply looks at me. His eyes are narrowed and there’s a scowl on his face as he continues to stare at me.

“Everythin’ okay over here?” Fox asks, looking between the two of us.

“Yeah. Gwen is havin’ pains and says it’s nothin’ to be concerned with,” Killer answers.

Kim and Fox look down at me with worried looks on their faces too. This is not how I wanted to spend the day. The pain isn’t bad; it’s just a twinge here and there. Especially when I’m moving around a lot. They don’t have to worry about me. I explain all of this to them and it does nothing to change the expressions on their faces. Ugh!

“I’m gonna go get you a plate of food. Anythin’ you don’t want?” Killer asks me.

“No. I’ll take a little bit of everything please,” I tell him, not even really wanting to eat right now.

Killer nods his head and walks over to where the food is set up. I watch on as he goes through the line and chooses a little bit of everything from the dishes the ol’ ladies made. Once that’s all piled up on the plate, he grabs a piece of chicken from the grill and a cheeseburger. Whichever one I don’t eat, he will. That’s what he’s done for the last few weeks because I never know what I want to eat. So, he kills two birds with one stone and grabs multiple things and then we share. Today, he’ll have a lot to eat because I’m not sure I’m going to be eating that much of what he put on my plate.

Taking a small sip of my shake, I set it down next to my chair as Killer sits down in his and hands me over the plate. Looking down I see pasta salad, potato salad, a small garden salad, chicken, and a roll. Yeah, I won’t be eating much of this. My appetite has been diminishing all day long and I’m not sure why. Maybe it’s because I’m getting to the end of my pregnancy. Or maybe I’m just not feeling good. Again, I won’t be letting Killer know this. He’ll figure out soon enough when I don’t touch a lot of what he got me.

I take a small bite of the pasta salad, usually my favorite, and feel as if I’m going to be sick. Handing the plate over to Killer, I sit back in my lounge chair and try to calm my upset stomach.

“Sparrow, what’s wrong?” my husband asks me. “You’ve barely touched your food and look like you’re gonna be sick.”

“I don’t feel so good. Maybe I should just go home and head to bed,” I tell him honestly.

Killer stands up along with Fox and Kim. Fox and my husband help me out of the chair and lead me to one of the SUVs parked out back. One of the Prospects left it here after dropping off the beer and things earlier today. Copyright 2016 - 2024