Killer's Obsession (Phantom Bastards MC #5) - Erin Osborne Page 0,109

an alert there was someone in our home. When I pulled up the footage, it was Neil. You don’t have to worry about him any longer. He’s no longer a threat to you, baby.”

For several minutes, Gwen doesn’t say anything. She sits on the bed and stares at me. There is no emotion filling her eyes like normal as I continue to watch her for any sign of distress. Doc is still here for this reason.

“Sparrow, talk to me,” I plead with her.

“You’re sure it’s over. No one else is gonna come after me?” she questions me.

“All loose ends are tied up and no one is gonna be comin’ after you any longer,” I assure her.

“Thank you, Killer. You don’t know what this means to me,” she says, wrapping her arms around me while pressing her stomach into my body.

“You don’t have to thank me, Sparrow. I’ll do anythin’ to make sure you and our babies are safe and protected. Why don’t you get ready for bed while I run out for one more errand? I’ll be back as soon as I can,” I tell her.

“Okay. I’m tired as hell right now and ready for bed. You promise you’ll be back soon?” she asks me, already sliding down under the covers.

After tucking Gwen in and making sure she’s got water and a snack on the nightstand next to her, I grab my go bag and head out. Stryker meets me in the common room and he’s ready to head out too. We’re taking care of the final piece of shit so he can’t ever get out of prison or harass my wife again.

Straddling our bikes, we head out to the prison where my contact is waiting on us to show up. Gwen’s dad found himself in solitary confinement and we’ll be paying him a visit while he’s in there. He won’t be making it out of there alive. Within the next few hours, he’ll be dead. No one will miss him either. Especially considering I’ve been hearing he’s been causing nothing but problems since he’s been in there. Thinks he runs the prison and can do whatever he wants. That’s not the case and he’s about to find that out the hard way.

It takes us a while to get to the prison. We’re parking in the employee lot and meeting my contact Zach. He’s a correctional officer here and is going to help us get inside. I believe today we’ll be employees of the prison so we can make our way throughout the place virtually undetected. Once we park our bikes in the lot, Zack Porter walks out with a duffle bag full of the uniforms we’ll need to get inside.

Stryker and I change in the parking lot in a dark corner while Zack keeps a look out for us. Once we’re ready to head inside, Zach takes the lead, and we head inside. Once we’re past the first guard tower, my nerves turn to excitement as we get closer and closer to Gwen’s dad. Zach opens the last door between my father-in-law and myself.

Mr. Andrews is sitting on his bunk with a book in his hands. He looks up, surprise registering on his face as he takes in our sudden appearance standing before him. Taking his time setting the book down on the cot next to him, I cross my arms over my chest and stare him down. The time hasn’t been good to Mr. Andrews as his hair is graying and there’s harsh lines covering his face.

“What do you want from me?” he asks us, standing up in front of us.

“I don’t want anythin’ from you. I’m here to finish business that should’ve already been taken care of,” I respond, grabbing the sheet from the bag I brought with us.

This isn’t our first rodeo. We bought the sheet on the way here and our bare skin hasn’t touched it. There will be no evidence from us left behind on the sheet. Gwen’s father looks from the sheet to me and back at the sheet again. There isn’t any fear on his face as resignation fills his face and his shoulders slump.

“You know why we’re doin’ this?” Stryker asks him, stepping further into the room.

“Yeah. My daughter,” is the only thing he says in response.

“You will never breathe the same air as her again. There will be no second chances or you gettin’ out of here to torture and torment her,” I inform him, wrapping the sheet around his Copyright 2016 - 2024