Killer's Obsession (Phantom Bastards MC #5) - Erin Osborne Page 0,104

only one who can is her and it will take her finally saying goodbye to her memories of Killian.

That doesn’t mean she has to forget him or their time together. She has a child by the man and needs to keep his memories alive for her. Stryker won’t have a problem helping her keep those memories alive. Sally just doesn’t see it that way right now. I’m just not sure if Stryker will hold out that long. He’s getting frustrated. I can see it in his eyes every time he leaves her or she leaves him.

“What’s next, momma?” Fox asks, walking up to me.

“I think the only thing left is the nursery. I’ll go up and take a look,” I let him know as I get off the couch.

Fox helps me up off the couch and walks up behind me. I guess he’s been told not to let me walk alone upstairs. Or downstairs. We walk into the nursery and see two totes still in the middle of the floor.

“I guess this is all I have left to do,” I tell him, bending over to open the tote closest to me.

It’s filled with blankets and a few clothes that need to be hung up in the closet. I begin pulling items out. Fox hangs the clothes up in the closet where I ask him to put them while Rich makes the beds up for the babies. When I get to the two outfits Bailey sent us, I set them to the side so I can pack them in the bags for the hospital. These are the outfits they’ll be coming home in. I also add some pajamas, onesies, diapers, and wipes to the pile on the changing table so it will be ready to pack up. The last thing I include are two different blankets. They’re pink blankets that say Harley Davidson on them. Little motorcycles fill the blankets too. They’re adorable.

The last thing I do is pull out the pictures that will cover the walls in our nursery. One of them is a picture of all the club members with the ol’ ladies sitting in front of them. There are a few others of different club members in candid shots. I also have three shots of Killer and I. Two of those will be placed above each crib so they know we’re always watching over them. The last one will go just over the rocking chair. I’ve got the boppy pillow resting on the side of the rocking chair so it’s there when I need it to breastfeed. We have their swings set up in the living room so they have something down there. Two bassinets are in our room for when we first come home with the girls.

“It looks good in here, momma,” Fox tells me once they’ve got the pictures on the walls and the totes are emptied.

I grab the diaper bag we got and load the stuff for the hospital in it. If I can’t fit everything in there, I’ll just add it to mine. It’s not a big deal. I’ll also pack a bag for Killer because I know my husband won’t be leaving our sides once I deliver our daughters. I know it’s probably too early for most to pack the hospital bags, but I want everything to be ready and not have to worry about it at a later date when I really won’t feel like doing it.

“What else are we gonna do today?” Rich asks me, walking in front of me down the stairs while Fox follows me.

“I’m going to start making dinner for Killer. You guys are more than welcome to eat. Fox, why don’t you grab Kim and bring her over. She can relax on the couch while I make dinner?” I ask him, wanting my sister to come over for a while.

“Okay. Do you need anythin’ besides a shake while I’m out?” he asks me.

“No, I think we got everything I’ll need to make dinner,” I assure him as he walks to the door and heads out.

Rich keeps me company in the kitchen while I pull the chicken I’ve been marinating all day out of the refrigerator and get ready to put it in the oven. I’m also making home fries, sauteed mushrooms, and steamed vegetables. Placing the pan of chicken in the oven, I have at least a half hour before I have to finish preparing the rest of our dinner. So, I walk in the living room Copyright 2016 - 2024