Killer's Obsession (Phantom Bastards MC #5) - Erin Osborne Page 0,102

our family.”

I love you too, Sparrow,” I reply, laying my hands on top of her where they rest on her extended belly. “There’s just one more thing to show you.”

I lead her down to the first floor and into the kitchen. There’s a set of steps leading down to a finished basement. Once down there, she looks around in amazement.

In the middle of the room sits a pool table. There’s a rack on the wall holding the sticks. A dart board is at one end of the room with a few tables spaced throughout the room. There are two pinball games and a Mrs. PacMan game for Gwen down here. A bar lines the left of the room filled with ten stools and several shelves behind the bar filled with alcohol and glasses. This is the only room in the entire house that isn’t completely wood. A large TV is mounted to the wall at the opposite end of the room from the dart board. The floor is carpeted while drywall covers the walls. I’ve got several pictures of motorcycles and the club filling up the walls down here.

“This is a great addition to the house. You guys can come down here and watch games and things,” she tells me, again taking in every detail.

“I love you, Sparrow. I wanted to make sure you had your dream house,” I state, pulling her body against mine.

Looking at her, I can see she’s barely keeping her eyes open now. Lifting her up in my arms bridal style, I carry up until we’re in our room. Laying her down in our bed, I cover her up. Gwen’s already asleep before I’m done placing the covers over her body. Placing a kiss on her forehead, I make my way back downstairs so I can make her dinner while she sleeps. Tonight we’re going to have stuffed shells with garlic bread. Tommy is gonna get her a chocolate shake when I let him know dinner is almost ready to pull from the oven.

As I’m browning the hamburger, my phone rings in my pocket. Pulling it out, I see it’s Stryker calling.

“What’s up?” I ask him, answering the phone.

“I just wanted to know how she likes the house,” he replies.

“She loves it. She’s up sleepin’ right now,” I let him know. “I’m gettin’ dinner started so it’s ready when she wakes up from her nap. You comin’ up to eat with us?”

“Yeah if you don’t care,” he tells me.

“Nope. I’m sure Tommy will end up stayin’ too. He’s goin’ after her shake when dinner is almost ready to go.”

“Sounds good. I’ll see you in an hour or so.”

Stryker hangs up the phone and I place mine on the counter next to me as I go back to browning the meat. I continue cooking while keeping my ears open for any signs of Gwen stirring upstairs. I’m not sure if she should be walking down the stairs alone now. She’s gotten bigger and I’m worried about her losing her balance and falling to the bottom of the stairs. Not only will she be hurt, but our babies will also be hurt. That’s one of my biggest fears now.

I continue cooking while Gwen rests. Just before I message Tommy there’s a knock on the door before Stryker strolls inside. He looks around the house as if he wasn’t here earlier today helping me put the finishing touches on it. He gets in the fridge pulling out two beers for us while I pull the stuffed shells from the oven long enough to put mozzarella cheese on top of them. As long as Gwen gets her cheese she’ll be happy.

While Stryker keeps an eye on the food, I go upstairs to wake Gwen up. That’s the only time she doesn’t mind being woken up; when it’s time to eat. Walking up to the bed, she’s already awake, but lying nestled under the blankets. I kiss her and she wraps her arms around me while she tries to pull me down in bed with her.

“Sparrow, we have company downstairs. Stryker is pullin’ dinner out of the oven and Tommy is on his way oven with your chocolate shake,” I let her know.

Gwen instantly lets go of me and I move out of her way so she can slide out of bed. I laugh at her as she moves as fast as she can to get to her shake and food. Taking her hand, I lead her down and she’s engulfed Copyright 2016 - 2024