Killer Crush - Ella Goode Page 0,30

should set me up with a co-worker. I’m ready to hear some boring bedtime stories. Who do you have?”

I shove the burger in my mouth so I don’t have to answer. Quinn coughs into her hand, probably to cover a smile. “They all have plumber’s butt. It’s not pretty,” she tells her roommate.

Trin makes a humming noise—halfway between agreement and disbelief. “So Quinn says you’re a landscape architect major. Does that mean you’re going to design gardens and stuff?”

“Something like that.” I don’t have to work for a living. I have a nest egg tucked away in the Caymans big enough to support both Quinn and me, but I had to major in something. “I like growing things so it appealed to me.”

“That’s oddly sweet. I can see why you like him,” Trin says to Quinn.

“Actually I’m just using him for the great sex.” Quinn squeezes my biceps to let me know she’s joking. Actually, I don’t care if that’s the only reason she’s with me. At least she’s with me and if it’s because of the way I eat her out at night, finger her in the morning, or dick her down when she comes home from class, that’s a good thing. I’m happy taking what I can get from her. I finish the rest of my burger and ignore the nagging hollow feeling lingering in my chest.

“I haven’t had good sex let alone great sex since…” Trin taps her chin. “Maybe ever? Are you absolutely sure that you don’t have anyone you could hook me up with?”

I wipe my mouth with a napkin before responding. “You’d have to be okay with conjugal rights. The only guy I know worth a lick is sitting on death row.” I tuck the napkin next to my empty plate. “Come to think of it, I’m not sure if a man on death row gets conjugal visits.”

Quinn throws up her hands. “Don’t look at me. I’m a language major, not a criminal law person.”

“Do you have a picture?” Trin asks.

“Seriously, Trin?” Quinn says.

“No. Not really.” Trin’s tone isn’t entirely convincing. She drops her head to her hands. “I’m in such a slump, our handyman is starting to look attractive. He chatted me up yesterday, saying how much he liked having us as tenants because we never break anything or cause problems. He wasn’t even mad about the locks like he was the last time, although he wanted to know where you got them.”

“I ordered them from Canada,” I tell her. “I’ll text you the information and you can share it with him.”

Quinn shoots me a look of dismay under her eyelashes, but it doesn’t matter what he knows now. He won’t be around much longer to put that information to use. I’ve been putting off disposing of the handyman ever since we ran into him in the grocery store. Quinn is with me at all times. We burned the sheets. While Trin was at class, I had new mattresses delivered and ordered the old ones to be destroyed. But I’d left him alone because Quinn seemed disturbed about the hit. I couldn’t keep ignoring his existence forever, though—not if I wanted to keep her safe.

“You should spend the night at the apartment,” I tell Trin. “The couch pulls out or you can bunk down with Quinn.”

“And where will you be?”

“I promised a friend I’d take care of some unfinished business. I’ve put it off but it’s time to get it done.” My eyes lock on Quinn’s. “I don’t want it hanging over my head while I’m trying to study for finals.”

She chews on her lower lip and then gives me a small nod of agreement. The handyman needs to be taken out. She smiles at Trin. “Yeah, come over and we’ll have a movie night. Daman just installed a big television. We can watch the Bachelorette and rank all the candidates.”

I narrow my eyes. “They better all be sub-zero.”

“No one compares with you, babe,” Quinn reassures me.

“Better not.”

“Or what?” Trin laughs.

“You don’t even want to know,” Quinn says teasingly, but when her eyes meet mine, they’re serious. I’d get rid of any competition in a heartbeat.

Chapter Twenty


“Are you trying to put me in a food coma?” I ask Daman as he puts the rest of the junk food away. He picked up a ton of it while I was in class today.

“I wanted to make sure you have everything you need for your movie night.” He turns to look at me. “I want Copyright 2016 - 2024