Killer Crush - Ella Goode Page 0,22

to someone else having a key to our apartment before. I’ve only ever lived at home. I guess we don’t own the place so it sort of makes sense.

“That’s not the worst of it. When I got here today he was in here. He scared the shit out of me.”

“So, he can just come in here?” I remember the handyman. I feel bad because I can’t recall his name offhand. I’ve run into him a few times but try to avoid him as much as possible. He hit on me when we first moved in here.

At least that’s what Trin had said he’d done. He gave me his number and had me text him so he had mine. I thought it was in case something broke or there was an emergency. Trin had taken my phone and blocked his number, telling me to trust her before I got a dick pic I would never forget. I thought she was being a little over the top blocking his number, but I didn't really care. I kind of forgot about it after that.

“He said he tried to call you but couldn't get through to let you know he was coming by today. But we all know he’s a creeper so I thought I should mention it.”

“He’s blocked.” I mumble what we both already know. Goosebumps still cover my arms at the creepy feeling the idea of someone just being able to unlock our door and come in gives me.

“Yeah. I told his ass that he needs to contact me next time.” She puts the bag she’s holding over her shoulder, giving me a kiss on the cheek. “Text me later.”

“Bye.” I watch the door fall closed behind her, the lock clicking into place. I’m more thankful than ever that Daman installed it. I could care less if the landlord, the handyman or anyone else likes it. I know that it will keep me safe and that seems to be Daman’s number one concern. I walk into my bedroom to pack more clothes. Little by little more and more seem to be ending up over at Daman’s house.

I look around my room noticing that some of my stuff looks to have been moved. I shake my head at myself. I’m being silly and paranoid. I’m sure it was Trin looking for something. I’m sure it’s normal for the maintenance people to have keys to everyone's apartments. I can’t let it bother me because the handyman creeped me out. I’m letting my mind run wild and I need to reel it in.

My phone dings in my hand. I look down and see a text from Daman.

Daman: Are you okay?

Me: Yes. Got out of class early so I came to get some clothes from my place. Shouldn't you be in class?

It is the reason I didn't text him when I got out early. I was going to pop into my place and meet him like planned at his car before we went and got dinner. Only a few weeks together and we already have a schedule. I kind of love it. I think I kind of love him, too.

Daman: I’ll pick you up.

His text is simple like always. Daman is always to the point when he talks. It’s taken me a minute to understand that sometimes he can be very literal. Some may not like it but I find it endearing. The man’s words often catch me off-guard and melt all my insides.

Me: I’m sure you will.

Me: Do not leave class early!

I text again, knowing how he can be. He worries over me. It’s nothing like how my dad is. I feel like Daman does it because he truly cares that I’m okay. That my well-being is his number one concern. He doesn't check on me because he thinks he’s supposed to. He wants to. To me that makes all the difference in the world and it’s why it doesn't bother me. I wish I could say the same when my father did it. Unlike my dad’s constant overbearing ways, with Daman I enjoy it. If he’s always checking in on me then he’s always close.

Daman: Too late.

I snort out a laugh. Of course I am. I grab a bag and start tossing things inside. Before I can even get it zipped up, I hear the front door opening. My heart drops for a second knowing Trin is in class. I turn to see Daman walking into my bedroom.

“What’s wrong?” His whole body goes rigid, Copyright 2016 - 2024