Killer Crush - Ella Goode Page 0,2

because she’s stuck with me as her roommate. “I’m going to give up vegetables now.”

I wonder if she knows that potatoes are vegetables. As her friend, I believe that this is something I should tell her. Or maybe I should let it go so that she stops eating my fries all the time. I weigh my options and decide to keep the information to myself. Even if she really is giving up vegetables, she’ll be back on them tomorrow. She’s an in the moment type of girl. As soon as she sees me eating those mouthwatering, salty French fries, she’ll be stealing them in no time.

“Is this some new diet?” I ask as she finds us an empty table and sits down.

“I’m just fucking with you. I’m not giving up vegetables.” She steals another fry off my plate. “I forgot about bacon so I’m back on the meat.”

“Who forgets about bacon?” I pick up my cheeseburger, taking a giant bite. I haven't eaten all day. I stayed up way too late last night studying for the Algebra II test I had today. I slept through my alarm, causing me to run late. I had to skip breakfast in order to be on time for class.

Math is so not my thing. I can’t wait to get my last math credit taken care of. It sucks studying so hard for crap I’m pretty sure I’ll never need. I am a language major. The only math I need to know is how to say my numbers.

“I know, right?” She picks up her stolen sandwich. “I think I dodged a bullet. Who gets mustard on their sandwich?” She drops it back down onto the plate. “He clearly has no taste.” She smirks. I think her ego may have taken a small hit at the gorgeous man's lack of interest in her. She had stomped up to me in the cafeteria and started rambling on about what had happened with some prick as she’d called him from one of her classes.

I was a little surprised myself. Most of the guys here tend to fall all over Trin. She is super outgoing and pretty. She’s got legs for days and shiny hair that she never has to fuss with. She’s not shy in the least and if she wants something she goes for it.

She has no problem telling you exactly how she feels about you, whether it’s good or bad. When it comes to boys, if she likes one, she lets them know. She doesn’t play games or dance around it. I wish I had a tenth of her confidence. I am still feeling a little worked up over the argument I just had over an apology. I keep running the dialogue we had between us through my mind over and over again.

It is really something I’m going to have to work on. I am a freaking language major. I am going to have to learn to talk to others without being so shy. It’s part of why I’ve clung to Trin so much. I transferred here for my last two years. I am thousands of miles away from home and don’t know anyone.

That was the point. To get away and out from under my father. I wanted to start a new path for myself. Spread my wings. Turns out that I’m not so good at it. Trin is still my only friend so far. I didn’t exactly score any brownie points with the handsome guy from earlier either. He probably thinks I’m strange.

It wouldn’t be the first time someone thought that or the last. He didn’t seem to like that I tried to take my apology back either. I shouldn’t care what a stranger thinks anyway, but for some reason I care a tiny bit about what he thought of me. It doesn’t make any sense but I don’t want him to dislike me.

“You think he’ll be mad you stole his sandwich?”

“Who?” She looks up from her phone she’s now playing on, shoving more of my fries into her mouth. I glance at the time, seeing I need to get to my next class.

“How many people’s sandwiches did you steal today?” I shove more of my burger into my mouth. The food here sucks but it beats going off campus. I don’t have a car and the idea of a bus or one of those Lyft things gives me anxiety.

“Oh. Him. I hope so. Serves him right. I can’t wait to thank him for my Copyright 2016 - 2024