Killer Crush - Ella Goode Page 0,19

quick.” I dart off toward my bedroom door, already halfway to it when he’s shouting that I’m naked. It’s too late. I’m already in the bathroom.

I don’t waste any time getting in and out, pulling my hair up so it doesn't get wet. For once I can say I’m moving fast because I want to get to something other than food. Daman. It’s silly because I know we’re spending the day together. He’s not even ten feet from me and I miss him. I grab a towel as I venture back to my room. Daman is standing in the center of it fully dressed. He walks over, shutting my bedroom door.

“You shouldn't run around naked unless it’s only you and me.”

“Okay.” I walk over to my dresser. He’s not demanding I do it but more asking. It makes me think of all those things he said last night about claiming me. I realize that when he said that I am now his and he is mine that those words weren’t only in the heat of the moment.

“Trin might not be here. She is always coming and going.” I find a bra and panties, wishing I had something sexier to put on but to be honest, I don’t think we need anything sexier around here. We need the exact opposite.

“She came in at two-thirty-four this morning.” I drop my towel, looking over at him. He watches me as I pull on the panties and bra. I fight a smirk because I can tell he’s trying to control himself from coming over and likely tossing me back onto the bed.

“That is a very precise time you have there.” Next, I find a pair of jeans and a hoodie, slipping them both on before grabbing my socks and comfy boots. I’m not sure what we are doing today but I’m going with comfy clothes.

“I’m always precise.” Must be nice.

“I’m forgetful. It’s why I always make a list and notes.” I point to all the post-its stuck to the mirror over my dresser. “My dad says I get lost in my head sometimes.” I look over at the clock. “Oh shit. I was supposed to call him this morning!” I look around for my phone. “Where is my phone?”

“I’ll get it for you.” He turns, leaving my room and returning a few moments later with it. I reach for it but he puts it behind his back. “I’ll give it to you but there’s a price.”

I lick my lips, already anticipating the kiss I know I’ll have to pay. I watch his eyes heat.

“I don’t have any money. I’m just a poor college student.” I bat my eyelashes at him.

“I’ll take a kiss for now but I’ll expect full payment later.”

I giggle as his mouth meets mine. Daman breaks the kiss before we get out of hand. I sigh, knowing that it means I’ll have to call my father.

“Sorry. My dad is, well...” I cringe because I’m not sure how to explain him. I don’t get him most of the time. “A little overbearing.”

“You don’t like this?” He folds his arms over his chest.

“He’s my dad.” I shrug. What could I really do about it? I hit the call button on the phone. My luck, this is the one time he picks up.

“Quinn. How are you this morning?”

“I’m good. You?” I feel like all our conversations are mostly the same, unless he’s gotten one of my grade cards, then he’ll talk briefly about my classes.

“I’m at the office already.” Of course he is. It’s Saturday and he basically lives there. “What are your plans today?”

“Oh. You know, the usual, lie around and study. I should go to the food store at some point also.” I peek over at Daman, who is watching me. He winces a little at my lie. What did he want me to tell my dad, that I planned to try and get him to cave on the whole giving my vagina a break thing?

“This is why you should have stayed at the college near home. The housekeeper always keeps things stocked.” Yes, Julie always does. I try not to roll my eyes that he doesn't know her name after all the years that she’s worked for him.

“Have to grow up sometime.” More like I need to get out from being under his thumb all the time. How someone could be overbearing but also never around is so mind boggling, but my dad is a master of it.

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