To Kill a Vampire - A.K. Koonce Page 0,42

and suffering. The sight of the Eye of the Ocean sends chills across my flesh, forcing me to look away from it.

I feel my bones heal one by one, and I allow my eyes to clench closed as they snap back into place. My teeth grind together as pain seeps into me. Steady breaths are what I cling to as the healing process warms my unnaturally bent legs and painful ribs.

“I told you I’d see you again, darling.”

The voice seems to crawl over my flesh, and when I open my eyes, Atticus’ fiery gaze is smiling down on me. Shining, beautiful stars highlight his hideous face, the heavens making a nice backdrop for the demon standing over me.

Out of reflex my hand tightens, needing to feel the cool and reassuring metal hilt of the Crimson Sword. But it isn’t there.

Blood smears my bare legs, and with regained strength I leap to my feet, my gaze scanning our surroundings for the glowing sword.

It isn’t here.

My stomach falls as I swallow hard.

The white sails of the ships blow in the breeze behind Atticus, whipping through the winds that brought them here.

“Why do you choose to torture yourself when you could be immortal? Why not feed? Seal the curse, my darling. Let your strength bloom within you.”

“That’s not going to happen.”

A long black robe hangs from his boney shoulders, the wind tearing at it recklessly. His appearance has changed very little and yet his morale is high. Power rolls off of his fragile appearing stature.

He’s fed. A lot.

“You aren’t immortal, Atticus.” His head tilts as if I’ve piqued his interest. “I can kill you.”

His lips twist, almost holding back a scream. “You won’t,” he finally says. “Not after you see the gift I’ve brought you.” His eyes possess an eerie glow as he stares wildly at me.

Subtly, I take a step back from him, trying to think about what I could possibly use to kill this vampire.

With a casual stride he walks to a large boulder, his back turned to me as if he I knows I would never harm him.

My eyes narrow as I quietly creep after him, my bare feet soundless against the sharp rocks. But when he reveals the gift he brought me, my plotting falls away and my lips part in a gasp. With one hand he fists thick, wild hair and drags Luca’s unconscious body across the rocky shore.

“I found her running after you when you leapt from the cliff.” With a thud he flings Luca’s head to the ground, her body lifeless. “I knew she’d be the perfect blood source to seal your curse.” My jaw clenches as I stare at my friend lying at his feet. “Isn’t she beautiful?” he says with a cruel smile, as if it’s such a waste.

For a long moment all I can do is stare wide-eyed at Luca. I listen intently and finally hear it. Over the sound of the crashing waves and the distant screams, her heart beats softly.

My attention jars back to the vampire who waits patiently for my reply. With assured steps I walk to him, my lips biting back the rage I’m hiding.

“Thank you,” I tell him, my hips swaying with each step. A smile cracks his mouth. When he’s just a few inches away, my hands grip his black shirt, pulling him closer before shoving him to the ground. Waves splash up around him as he lands hard in the gentle waves. I grab the nearest boulder, and I leap toward him.

The smooth rock brings a nice cracking sound when it meets his skull, and a hiss that seems to cling to the air leaves his lips as he scuttles back from me.

“You ungrateful female!” He scrambles away, kicking up water as he moves. Blood clings to his temple as he storms toward me once more. “Perhaps I’ll just have to tempt you even further.” His eyes seem to flash just before his quick jarring movements carry him back up the shore.

He licks his fangs, and my chest tightens when I realize what he’s about to do. On shaking legs I run after him, but it’s too late. He sinks his fangs into Luca’s arm, just enough to bring a gush of blood across her skin.

I swallow hard and look away from both of them while trying desperately to breath in the salty ocean air. Breaths shake from my lungs as I close my eyes and focus on the simple sound of the ocean.

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