To Kill a Vampire - A.K. Koonce Page 0,31

Asher says in a tired voice.

“Has there been any update from the Capitol?”

Hesitation slips through the room, filling my shoulders with tension before he finally shakes his head.

My fists close against the soft sheets, shaking with irritation.

Nothing can be easy, can it?

“How long was I asleep,” I ask, avoiding the building problems in my life.

Atticus’ promise to see me again crawls through my mind, sending a shiver down my spine. I pull the blankets that I just pushed away moments ago back to me, trying to keep the crawling feeling off my skin.

“Just an hour.”

One hour.

My healing speed is incredible. If I was human and a hybrid swung at me … I might not have woken up at all.

He could have killed me. I could have killed Luca.

Fear like I’ve never felt before slams into me. I’ve felt fear for my own life, but I’ve never felt fear for someone else, that I might be responsible for their life. All of them are trusting me, and I’m failing.

“Atticus will come to me. I’ll be ready.”

Asher swallows hard, standing from his seat. His long limbs stretch, and his posture slouches just slightly at his broad shoulders. His exhaustion shows, pulling at him visibly. Silver eyes stare promisingly into mine. “Then I will be, too.”




“I appreciate your trust,” Kaino barks out, and Luca physically flinches from his harsh tone. He looks to her, her face tense, a subtle shake of her head makes him reassess his every hulking move.

His father lingers in the crowd as well, watching his son lead his people. The Lord’s dark eyes shine with pride as they follow the young wolf. Is Lord Raske stepping back from his people? Life is changing. Again. The mortals know Luca and Kaino. They do trust them. It’s a small amount of trust, but it’s a start.

Kaino clears his throat, pulling lightly at the white shirt that hugs his thick throat and shoulders. The wolf certainly isn’t used to dressing up for people.

“I appreciate your trust, but we have to ask you to fight. Not for us, but for yourselves.” Kaino’s nearly black eyes shift through the crowd, searching the mortal’s faces for a sign of approval. “Our government isn’t helping us. It’s possible …” He pauses, and I realize it’s the most I’ve ever heard him speak. “It’s possible they’ll come after us. You’ve left your assigned jobs. They won’t take that lightly. Some of those jobs greatly benefited them. But not anymore.”

Whispers begin to travel through the crowd. The mystics stand behind Kaino, a mass of support for their commander.

“We spoke with your leaders. One of your own, Fallon Fiercely, spoke out for a change.”

The whispers halt, dying against their lips at the sound of her name. The sun blazes down on us, and sweat clings to my neck. I wish like hell Fallon could see the way they’re looking at him in awe at the simple suggestion of her name.

“The president didn’t concede to any changes. Fallon offered her time to put a change into effect.” He shifts on his feet, his heavy boots pressing prints into the dirt. “That time has run out. We need to be ready. My people will fight for us, but we need to be a team if we ever want to survive for the future we deserve.”

A few nods of approval are all he receives.

An anxious sigh escapes my lips. They really won’t fight for themselves?

Raske leans into Luca, his hand resting lightly on her shoulder as he whispers to her. It’s the only interaction I’ve ever seen the two have. A warm smile touches his lips as he beams at her, and she nods to him with a mirroring smile that almost matches his.

Luca takes confident steps toward her brother, her tall and lean body seeming more delicate and more approachable next to his. She stands respectfully at his side with a familiar face – a friendly face.

“We will win!” Luca says with a brilliant smile. “But not if we do not try.”

Lord Raske holds pride in his posture as he watches Luca and Kaino. But their words don’t seem to be enough. The audience is captivated, but interest isn’t the same as motivation.

Hesitantly, I walk to his side as well. Showing my support for the mystic who is now my commander. I feel the heat burn down on me as their attention shifts from Luca to me.

I have nothing to say; my heart thrashes as I realize they think I have Copyright 2016 - 2024