To Kill a Vampire - A.K. Koonce Page 0,22

clasp tightly around her waist, aligning her soft curves against me. My heart beats a reckless rhythm for her.

She’s the same … but different. The confidence I always knew she had under her gentle surface now roars to life with her every action. The way she kisses me is different; controlling and dominant, anxious and rushed.

Her tongue slips against mine, guiding our pace as her hands run down my chest. They linger against my sides, her fingers tracing the scar beneath my shirt before passing lower.

She pulls away from me abruptly, leaving me gasping and confused. My heart aches when I see the look on her face. Her mouth parts as she breathes deep, uneven breaths. I can barely see the sharp angles of her teeth. She stares up at me with grief burning in her eyes.

The look crumbles my existence altogether. I’d do anything to erase it.

“What’s wrong?” I ask in a gravelly whisper, still clinging to her, not allowing her to slip away again. I have her right where she’s always meant to be, and she looks like she’d rather be anywhere else in the world.

She raises her hands, pulling away from me slightly as she covers her face with her palms. “It’s the blood. It’s making me crazy. It’s all I can think about. When I look at anyone – when I look at you – all I can think about is how warm your blood must be.” Her hands shake as she confesses.

Pulling her closer, I hug her, unable to stop myself. Her arms still shield her face from me as her muffled voice continues. “Asher, I’m going to end up hurting you.”

“Don’t worry so much, baby. I can take care of myself.”

She releases a slow, tortured breath. “If I could just have a moment without it consuming me. To think normal thoughts. To think about anything else for just a little while.”

An idea crosses my mind, and I’m already moving without further thought to the consequences. I release her and begin unbuckling my belt. The heavy black belt falls to the ground with the clattering sound of the Crimson Sword hitting the hard dirt. I waste no time as I lick my lips and begin unbuttoning my jeans. I watch her face closely as she lowers her hands, her eyes growing wide. Her lips part, freeing heavy breaths and the sight alone makes my heart beat harder against my chest, spiraling courage through my veins.

“What are you doing?” she asks in an almost fearful, breathy whisper, her eyes finally meeting mine.

A smile pulls at my mouth as I unzip my jeans and take a step closer to her. My eyes linger on her full lips as I say in a low voice, “Helping you forget for a few moments.”

I reach out to her, my chest heaving in a nervous breath as I move with steady hands. Gripping her belt in my fingers, her smooth stomach greets my knuckles for only an instant. I wait for a rejection, one I’m so sure will come. The feel of her soft skin against my fingertips spikes adrenaline through me, tingling over my skin and pushing wildly into my thrashing heart.

Just as I expected, her hands clutch mine, stopping me in my tracks. My pounding heart plummets like a comet dropping from the heavens, but I just nod as I start to step away. I lick my lips slowly, biting my bottom lip as I continue to nod, trying my best to accept rejection once more.

But then, she unbuckles her belt and begins working the top button of her dark jeans. My brows rise, but I don’t allow myself enough time for the surprised feeling to settle. I grasp her hips and push her jeans down her thighs as I press my lips against hers.

She shoves me against a nearby tree, and I lift her hurriedly until her legs wrap tightly around my waist. A moan slips over her lips as we fit perfectly against each other. Her body against mine ignites a feeling building within me. The problems of the world – of our lives – fall away from us.

“I can,” she breaks the kiss for just a moment, her eyes burning into mine, “I can hear your heart pounding.” I blink down at her, a bit of sadness filling the beats of my heart now. “It’s actually the only thing I like about my … condition.”

“Why?” I ask, realizing how off track we’re getting and wondering how Copyright 2016 - 2024