To Kill a Vampire - A.K. Koonce Page 0,14

throw me in with the other hybrids and take Fallon? The vividly cruel thoughts of what they might do to her blaze through my mind like fire.

The large glossy door opens with an echoing sweep, jarring me from my mock relaxation. My fingers tighten on the sword as I take a couple of careful steps closer to the newcomers.

Ayden holds the door open, and the looming image of President Docile breezes in like a decomposing leaf in the wind. A formal black gown clings to her thin frame, the material hugging her shoulders and wrists tightly and exposing little to no skin. A swirling pattern etches the inky veil that conceals her face. Long wisps of blonde hair tumble down from beneath the veil.

I’ve heard stories of the president all my life; the strange and cryptic woman who rules the mortals. The mere sight of her sets me on edge. A dark silence seems to follow her. Something unnatural clings to her presence.

Is she cursed?

“Thank you for waiting,” she says in an airy voice. “Ayden told me we had some surprise visitors tonight. Luckily, I hadn’t yet gone to bed.” She glides through the room, not coming closer to Michael or myself. She doesn’t appear confused by my obscuring wardrobe.

She also doesn’t bother to turn on a light, allowing us to linger in the safe shadows of the enormous library. Moonlight gleams in through the colossal windows. The sky burns all around us, threatening the sunrise in just an hour’s time.

From beneath the heavy darkness across the room, Fallon steps forth, almost matching the president’s eerie behavior step for step.

“Thank you for meeting us,” Fallon says in a voice filled with confidence, allowing her words to ring out among the books, chandeliers, and, of course, the small audience she is entertaining.

I have the urge to protect her, to cross the room and stand in front of the small woman she’s addressing. But I won’t. I can’t.

“There are some changes we would like to discuss with you and your council.”

Michael fidgets slightly, crossing his arms and quickly uncrossing them. Ayden keeps his hands held neatly behind his back and his dark eyes focused on the girl I know he loves.

“By all means, please continue. I enjoy a good discussion from time to time.” The president’s silky dress skims the glossy floor as she takes a few more steps closer to Fallon.

No one sits. Hundreds of chairs surround us, and yet no one dares to find comfort in this uncomfortable situation.

“With the … attack on the mystic’s community, you have broken the Exception Treaty. After further inspection of the mortal’s lifestyle, we’ve realized no one benefits from the current state of our government.”

The president’s head tilts minimally. “And tell me, what do you suggest we do about the current state of our government?” Another few steps are taken toward Fallon.

“A total reevaluation of the laws are in order.”

I can’t find it in me to look away from her. Her confidence and intelligence captures all of my attention. I swallow hard as my heart pounds to life, falling more in love with her with every word she says. Through the building tension in my chest, something similar to pride beams. If this meeting didn’t threaten her life, I’d be proud of the unyielding confidence Fallon holds.

While I stare wildly at the woman I love, the president flashes across the room. Her glossy black nails sinking into Fallon’s throat, shifting the hood slightly and almost revealing the pretty face hidden beneath.

“I appreciate your suggestions,” the president says in a calm and soothing voice, “and I will be sure to file them away. If you or your filthy mystic friend ever step foot on this island again, I will rip your heart right out of your chest.”

My feet stumble as I move toward them, and Michael grabs my wrist, throwing me off balance for a moment.

“Mary, please. She’s just a girl. She’ll leave. Just let her go,” Michael stammers, his voice cracking the more he speaks.

Seconds tick by, sparking more anger with each movement of the clock.

What the hell is she?

The president’s head tilts back and forth for a moment, seemingly holding Fallon’s shadowy gaze. With a trembling hand, she pushes the hood back from Fallon’s face. Her red eyes glitter in the minimal light.

“You fool!” The president spews the words into Fallon’s face, clinging tighter to her. “They were nearly dead; just another hundred years and they would have been dead. You have no Copyright 2016 - 2024