Kidnapped by a SEAL - Makenna Jameison Page 0,24

unnerving. He apparently knew some information she didn’t, but it was more than that. For a man she barely knew, she felt like he could guess everything she was thinking, see right inside of her.

It unnerved her.

Sure, she’d had plenty of boyfriends in the past, some of them serious, but the intense way Ryker always looked at her made it seem like there was something more between them, a connection that didn’t make sense but she couldn’t deny. It was insane, given she’d just met the man a couple of days ago.

“I’ll stay with you,” he said abruptly.

Hunter raised his eyebrows as Caroline protested that she could see to Emily’s safety.

“You weren’t there,” Ryker said. “You weren’t inside the compound. You don’t know the way these guys think.” He exchanged a glance with Hunter, and Emily wondered what exactly they weren’t telling her.

“You’ve got work,” Emily said. “Your missions and SEAL team stuff. I mean, yes, I need to recover before I can return to work full time, but good grief. I’m a trained federal agent. I don’t need a bodyguard following me around.”

“Maybe not,” Hunter said. “And I’m sure your fellow agents could provide some protection until you’re back on your feet. Like I said, it’s a possibility that there could be a problem, not a guarantee. It’s not that you’re in imminent danger; we just want to be cautious.”

“I appreciate it, but this is just—unbelievable, really. I’m home. I’m safe.” She swayed slightly on her feet, suddenly feeling lightheaded, and looked around for somewhere to sit.

Ryker and Caroline immediately grabbed her elbows, supporting her, and the EMTs came hurrying over with a stretcher. “We’ve got to get you to the hospital to get checked out,” one of them said. “Is anyone riding along with you?”

“I am,” Caroline and Ryker both said at the same time

Caroline shot Ryker a look that could kill. “Damn it,” he muttered. “I’ll meet you over there. There’s got to be someone on this damn Air Force base that can give me a lift.”

Emily shakily sat down onto the stretcher, frowning as the EMTs fussed over her. “I’m fine, just exhausted,” she protested. “They examined me back on base in Afghanistan.”

“Doesn’t matter,” Caroline said matter-of-factly. “You still need to get checked out. Is that her suitcase?” she asked, nodding toward the one at Ryker’s side.

“Yep. I’ll bring it along.”

“Yes, it’s absolutely necessary that we get you to the hospital to get examined,” one of the EMTs said. “And we’ve gotten word that your family will be meeting us at the hospital. They were notified as soon as your plane landed. Of course, your medical history is all subject to HIPAA guidelines…”

They began wheeling her along toward the waiting ambulance, and Emily tuned out whatever legal babble he was talking about. Suddenly, she was exhausted. She didn’t have the strength to argue with Caroline or Ryker or whoever else thought they needed to see to her safety. She just needed to rest.

Chapter 11

Ryker shot a basketball through the hoop on base a few days later, listening to Noah whoop as it sailed cleanly in. “Three-pointer!” Noah shouted, and Ryker swiped the sweat off his brow, turning toward his buddies.

“Best two out of three,” Jacob said, grabbing the basketball and dribbling toward them. “You barely bested us that time.”

“Nah, I’m out,” Ryker said, grabbing his water bottle from the side of the court and taking a long pull. “I’m heading up to DC tonight.”

“I’m out, too,” Hunter said. “Emma and I have plans tonight. She’s pregnant and ready to jump my bones at all hours. Not that I’m complaining,” he added, waggling his eyebrows.

Mason chuckled. “Jesus. You two always were insatiable.”

“TMI fellas,” Colton quipped, grabbing his own water from the side of the court. “And what the hell are you heading up to DC for? It wouldn’t have anything to do with a certain brunette we rescued, would it?”

“She’s getting released from the hospital today,” Ryker said. “Actually, she should already be back. I told her to text me when she gets in. Her friend Caroline has been staying with her, but I told them I’d come up for the weekend.”

“And we’ve gotten no new intel,” Hunter said.

“Nope,” Ryker replied. “I waited when she got settled into her hospital room the other day, but I didn’t have much reason to stick around. Caroline was there with her. Plus, Emily needed time with her family.”

“So you already met her parents?” Jacob joked. “Damn you move fast.”

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