Kidnapped by a SEAL - Makenna Jameison Page 0,15

meet with you, to go over your ordeal.”

“No,” Emily interrupted. “I don’t need to talk to them.”

“Not right now, perhaps, but of course State will require it before you can return to duty. You won’t even be allowed to have your issued weapon back until they confirm you’re fit for duty.”

“Damn it,” Emily muttered. “I don’t even have it anymore—they took everything when I was kidnapped. Bastards.”

The doctor chuckled. “You’re a fighter—I can tell. Anyone would have to be to survive being held that long. You’re in remarkably good condition though, all things considered. And fortunate in many ways that it wasn’t far worse. I was concerned we’d have to transport you to a military hospital, but it’s possible we can get you on a flight home.”

“God, home. That would be amazing. They kept moving me from one dark, cramped room to another for weeks—I think they were saving me for that terrorist asshole. They wanted me to become his wife—”

“Fucking hell,” a deep male voice interrupted as a buff military man stepped through the doorway.

Emily’s mouth nearly dropped open in shock at the man entering her room. His voice sounded vaguely familiar, and despite her weakened state, she couldn’t help but let her gaze briefly run over him.

He was tall, with dark cropped hair and stubble across his firm jaw. The slight circles under his gray eyes told her he hadn’t gotten much sleep recently, but his dark gaze bore into hers. He was athletic looking, with lean muscles and tightly leashed strength. Maybe he didn’t have muscles on top of muscles like some of the other military guys she’d seen, but he looked positively lethal, almost like a panther waiting to pounce.

“Ryker, I told you that you should wait out in the hallway,” the doctor said as she moved toward him. Emily almost laughed. There was no way the slight female could get him out of her room if he didn’t want to leave.

“I’m just checking on her,” he said, glancing from the doctor back to Emily. Dark eyes penetrated hers. “Are you okay? I can’t believe that mother fucking asshole was trying to make you one of his wives.”


As in the guy who’d carried her onto the helicopter, holding her closely against him. Had he rescued her in the compound as well? He’d seemed almost gentle with her as he’d lay her down in the waiting chopper—he’d let her cling to his hand while they lifted off.

And now?

This guy seemed gruff and larger than life. A force to be reckoned with, who clearly wasn’t leaving until he got his answers. He’d walked right in here like he owned the place. Like he had every right.

She was partly flattered and partly annoyed—she damn well could take care of herself. It was odd having a stranger checking in on her though, especially a rough and assertive military guy like him. She wasn’t the type of woman that needed a man in her life to protect her. She didn’t need to depend on anyone. Something about his interest made her heartbeat quicken though. He seemed worried about her. Invested in her safety.

She probably looked like hell. He was buff and handsome, he’d literally stormed a terrorist compound to rescue her, and she hadn’t seen a mirror in a month. Not that she was a fussy and frilly sort of woman, but geez. At least they’d let her bathe when they’d moved her to the compound.

He must be Special Forces the way they’d stormed in there—a SEAL? Delta Force?

No, the doctor had just mentioned that a SEAL team had rescued her. It didn’t matter anyway since she’d never see him again after today. He’d go off on another mission. She’d eventually return to duty at State. He could be based in Virginia or all the way out in California for all that she knew.

Funny. Maybe they’d been in some of the same places before and didn’t even realize it. She’d provided security in some less than ideal locations. She probably wasn’t where the SEALs usually deployed though—until she had quite literally became their mission that is.

“I’m fine,” she said weakly.

He raised his eyebrows, clearly not believing a word of it.

“I will be,” she amended, glancing at the IV in her arm. The monitors and machines beeped and hummed steadily around her, and she felt dizzy all of a sudden. Exhausted. Like she could sleep for an entire week and it might not be enough.

“She needs her rest,” the doctor said. “And Copyright 2016 - 2024