Kickin' It (Red Card) - Rachel Van Dyken Page 0,80

assault with a deadly weapon. You have the right to remain silent. Everything you say or do . . .”

I dropped the gun to the ground then sat just as one of the assistant coaches ran over to me. I didn’t know him well, but I’d seen him around. He handed me a bottle of water and then showed me his phone. “The only reason I was able to call 911 is because of your bravery in getting his attention away from me. I was so scared for you, for me.”

Tears filled my eyes. “Good, that’s good.”

“That’s more than good, sweetheart.” He sighed and then just sat next to me on the turf like a good coach would.

He let me cry while he placed a hand on my back and handed me a towel.

And when I saw Matt charging toward me, fear in his eyes, I full-on wept and jumped into his arms.

He held me tight while I cried. Willow was close behind and then suddenly Jagger was there, and Slade with Mack, and what looked like half of the Seattle Sounders team.

“I accidently called the cavalry,” Matt whispered in my ear. “Word traveled fast. Willow called Johnny, who was already headed toward the stadium after they looked at the video from the house—it was clearly Erik, and he looked deranged. Johnny had a bad feeling and told us what was happening. Nobody knew who was closest, so everyone just hopped in their cars and drove straight here.” He kissed me then, in front of everyone, like I was his, and I clung to him and prayed it would stay like that forever. That we’d never have a reason to be pulled apart or to be ashamed of what we had.

“Fuck you!” Erik yelled as he got cuffed by Johnny. Matt released me and lunged for him, but I stood in front of him.

“Don’t,” I whispered. “I already got him.”

“You shot him? I’m sad I missed that,” he said in a stunned voice.

“Worse.” Darius walked up and shook his head. “She’s a good listener. I advised her to kick him in the balls twice, and she got him three times. Guy puked twice before the police could cuff him.”

“I’m sorry you had to even touch him with your foot,” Matt growled. “I’ve never felt so helpless in my entire life watching you out there with him, you were so brave.”

Erik turned and tried to glare at us, I grabbed Matt’s hand and kissed his face. I wanted Erik to see what real love was.

Because all he wanted was control.

He was a sick bastard, and I wanted to see him locked up.

Still shaking, I walked up to the chief and said, “We can do it here.”

“The interview? The confession?”

“I’ll tell you everything, but I have one condition.”

“What’s that?” He grinned. Man, he looked young to be police chief.

“I want to go on camera. I want to tell the world what he did to me. So that girls like me won’t be afraid anymore.”

He nodded solemnly. “I think I can arrange that,” he said. “Go home and rest. If you want a camera crew it might take a few hours or a day to get things situated. I already have your statement that you were raped. It’s enough to lock him up, and earlier today one of your teammates, who came from his former team, said she needed to press charges.”

I gasped. “Eileen? She said she had an appointment . . .”

He ignored my guess. “Sadly, I think more might come forward, which makes it even more important that you talk about it, so others feel like they have the power as well.”

I nodded as Matt wrapped an arm around me. “Let’s go home.”

“I love our home.”

“Me too.” He kissed the side of my head. “Me too.”



One month later

“What made you come forward?” Robin Roberts did a great job hosting the interview. Every famous news anchor had begged for the job, but Parker had immediately taken a liking to Robin, something about her being one of Parker’s heroes growing up, and it was suddenly easy for Parker to turn every other reporter down. Besides, it was her story and she knew Robin would do an incredible job helping her share it with the world. I smiled as she tugged at her sleek black tank top and crossed her jean-clad legs. The same Valentino shoes I’d gotten her were on her feet for all the world to see. I loved that she went Copyright 2016 - 2024