
He was tempted, very tempted, to do just that. But both he and Stephan knew that being confined by four walls for any length of time would make him stir-crazy.

Besides, he was more valuable to the SIU and the Federation in the field.

"Who have you assigned?"

Stephan dropped the folder on the desk and leaned back in his chair. Though there was no emotion on his face, Gabriel could feel his twin's amusement.

"James Illie."

Who was the State police officer they'd recruited after he'd made a series of spectacular arrests—arrests that involved one of the biggest vampire crime-gangs in the city. He was good, no doubt about it.

Only trouble was, the man was a womanizer who was always on the lookout for his next conquest.

"It won't work." And Stephan knew it.

"Then make it work. And don't try dumping Illie in the dungeons. The man's a stickler on workplace conditions. He'll bring in the unions the minute you try."

Wonderful. Just what he needed in a partner. "Is this all you called me in here for?"

Stephan smiled. "No. There's been a break-in at the Pegasus Foundation we've been asked to investigate."

"The Pegasus Foundation?" Gabriel frowned, trying to recall what he knew of the organization. "They won a military contract recently, didn't they?"

"To develop a stealth device for military vehicles, yes. But whoever broke in wasn't concerned about stealth devices."

"Then what were they after?"

"That's something you'll have to find out. All I've been told is that the person or persons involved managed to get past several security stations, three laser alarms, and numerous cameras. Only the fact that a photosensitive alarm had recently been installed in the lab in question warned them there was an intruder."

"Why were we called in? The Pegasus Foundation has more military ties than we have agents. Why not ask them to investigate?"

"It was the military who asked us to investigate." Stephan hesitated. "Asked specifically for you and your partner."

"They mean Sam." But if the military didn't know anything about her, why had they specifically asked for her to be included in the investigation?

"Who signed the request?"

"General Frank Lloyd."

As Alice would say, curiouser and curiouser. "Sam met Lloyd at Han's." She'd been wary of the General and convinced they'd meet again. "You have to warn her about the military's interest."

"No, I won't." Stephan hesitated. "And neither will you."

Like hell he wouldn't. It was one thing to let her go. It was another to leave her blind. He crossed his arms. "What time is the Pegasus Foundation expecting us?"

Stephan glanced at his watch. "Four thirty."

It was nearly four now. Gabriel rose. "I'd better get moving."

Stephan nodded. "Illie's requisitioned a car and is waiting out front."

Then he could wait. Gabriel met his twin's gaze. "Thought I'd skip without him, huh?"

Stephan's smile touched his eyes for the first time. "I know you, brother. Know the way your mind works. Don't ever forget that."

Then he'd know Illie wasn't going to be a fixture in his life for very long. If he'd wanted a partner, he would have kept Sam.

"Then you'll know precisely what I'm thinking now."