
"Because he enjoys an audience." Gabriel shrugged. "And he probably enjoys watching us run around trying to find and stop him."

"And it's hard to stop someone when you have no idea who and what they are."


She considered him, thinking about what she'd said, what he'd said, and drawing conclusions that she really didn't like.

Like the fact that Sethanon's appearance seemed to coincide with hers. True, it was probably little more than a coincidence, especially given the appearance of other Hopeworth rejects over the years, but it was still a disturbing thought. After a moment, she said, "It still doesn't make sense, you know. I mean, if he wants a war, he could have started it years ago.

What is he waiting for?"

"Who knows? It could be something as simple as the fact that it takes time to build a fighting force."

Something inside her clicked, and her eyes widened.


He frowned. "What?"

"Hopeworth is the key." She reached out, grabbing his hand and wrapping her fingers around his. "That's what he's waiting for. Hopeworth has spent years making the perfect soldier, and from what we've seen recently, may finally be succeeding. That's what he's waiting for. This Sethanon of yours is planning to take over Hopeworth."


Gabriel stared at Sam for a moment, and then he said almost automatically, "He couldn't."

And yet even as he denied it, his mind raced with the possibility. It was something they'd never even contemplated.

Yet, in a twisted way, it made perfect sense. If Sethanon intended to start a war against a well-armed, well-informed alliance of nonhumans like the Federation, then it would pay to get fighters that were stronger, faster, better than those nonhumans. And that's exactly what Hopeworth was breeding.

"He could if he's a multishifter," she said, her eyes star- bright in the darkness. "Remember, you're the one who said we had two Blaine's running around."

"Well, yeah. But that's not something that could be done over a long time."

"Why not? Stephan's been doing it for years to stay in charge of the SIU, hasn't he?"

"Hopeworth is an entirely different beast than the SIU. I doubt an imitator would go unnoticed for very long in an installation that specializes in interspecies and psi-talent development. Especially when the original is still running around."

"But if he's got people on the inside and the outside— people like Wetherton—tracking Blaine's movements, then it is totally possible."

"Only if Blaine didn't live on the base, and he does."

"But he doesn't stay on the base all the time. And who says this Sethanon of yours isn't also living on the base? You're the one who said whoever is posing as Blaine has to be in close contact to ensure a good replication."

That was true. And it was definitely an idea they would have to investigate. Though given the tight security on all Hopeworth information and records, it was going to be a damn hard undertaking. But the base itself was an entirely different proposition. They could certainly watch all the comings and goings. He shifted so that he was facing her full on, but he didn't shake her grip on his hand. There was something almost comforting in her touch—comforting in a way that was sexual and yet not.

In the darkness, her skin was almost as luminescent as her eyes. With her fiery hair covered by the hood of her dark coat, she appeared almost ghostly. His grip on her hand tightened a little, and the fingers of his free hand itched with the sudden need to caress her cheek. To feel the softness of her skin. To reassure himself that she was real and here, and not already beginning to fade away into nothingness as Karl had warned.

"Why are you so positive about this?" he asked.

She hesitated and looked away. He reached out and, touched her chin, drawing her gaze back to his. When she licked her lips, he found his gaze drawn to the movement. Not good, he thought, and yet he couldn't pull his gaze away.

"How the hell can I be sure?" She hesitated again. "But I'm right. I know I'm right."

"Because you were at Hopeworth with the man who is now Sethanon?" The question came out of nowhere, and he had to wonder if it was an instinctive reaction to the pull he was feeling towards her.

And yet, at the same time, it was a natural question. She was obviously connected to Hopeworth, and there was definitely a connection to Sethanon somewhere along the line. Otherwise, why would the man have spent so much time over the years keeping an eye on her? Maybe even protecting her?

She gasped and jerked away from his grasp. Part of him regretted the loss of her touch. Part of him didn't. And he couldn't help noticing that despite her reaction, there was no hurt in her eyes, no surprise, which suggested she'd contemplated the question herself, however lightly.