
"Much the same." He shrugged, not wanting to get into explanations when he really didn't have them. "We have a bigger problem."


Alain picked up his coffee and sipped it, but there was the faintest touch of amusement in his brown eyes. Which, knowing the man as well as he did, suggested to Gabriel that his next comment would come as no surprise. "Sam knows we're following her. She wants you both called off or she'll call in Stephan."

"So what are you planning to do?"

"Nothing. I want you and Jes to keep watching as planned.

Except for tomorrow. I'll take over the day shift."

"Will she go through with her threat if she sees us?"

"Most likely, so you need to be careful."

Alain raised a bushy eyebrow. "Stephan will not be happy if he discovers what we're doing."

"Undoubtedly." Gabriel picked up his coffee and gulped down some of the steaming liquid. "But I don't care."

"So, basically, you're saying the only thing you do care about is Sam's safety." Alain paused, a grin stretching his lips.

"One could take that as an indication of emotional interest."

"Or professional interest. Especially if she proves to be our link to Sethanon."

Alain put down his cup and crossed his arms. "And do you believe that she is the link? After all these years of successfully avoiding us, do you seriously think Sethanon will come out of hiding for one scrap of a woman?"

"Seriously? Yes."


"Because I don't believe he would have placed a watch on her if she was of no use to him."

"True." Alain paused. "But he might have intended to cultivate her, as he had her partner."

"No. Kazdan's orders where to watch her, keep her safe.

That implies interest, not cultivation."

"And yet Kazdan was trying to recruit her."

"For himself, for his own takeover bid. Not for Sethanon."

"You can't be sure of that."

Yes, they could, because that's exactly what Kazdan had told Sam. She believed it, and so did he. Still… "We can't be sure of anything until we know for sure who she is and where she came from."

"Is that why you won't admit to feeling anything for her?"

Gabriel snorted softly. "No. I'm not admitting anything because there is nothing to admit." And even if that wasn't the entire truth, even if there was destined to be a bond between them, he'd successfully contained the link with his twin and he had every intention of doing the same with Sam. No matter how much a part of him might wish it otherwise.

Truth was, while he couldn't deny his attraction—at least to himself—he would not break his long ago vow to never get involved. He wouldn't do that to someone ever again. And if, as Jessie predicted, he became a sad and lonely old man, so what? He could at least rejoice in the fact he'd actually lived long enough to become sad and lonely. That another human being hadn't been killed simply because being involved with him made them a target.

"So," Alain said thoughtfully, "that look of horror and panic on your face when she was hit by lightning had absolutely no emotional basis whatsoever?"

"None at all." He couldn't actually remember much about that moment, because when the lightning hit her, it had echoed through him, burning away all thought and emotion. He'd reacted instinctively, without really knowing what he was doing or saying until his hands had touched her.

But before he could actually reply further, his viaphone rang. He said a silent prayer of thanks for the timely intervention.