
"No," Karl said, and glanced at O'Hearn again. "It's as we thought."

"Yes." O'Hearn sighed.

Gabriel took a deep breath to calm a surge of anger. "Would you three kindly explain what the hell is going on?"

"Sorry, my friend. We just had to be sure." Karl held up a hand as Gabriel opened his mouth to make a retort. "My uncle's journal's had one very interesting side note about walkers. They came as a pair. Had to, apparently. If a walker does not have a base—someone to call them back, if you like—there is a huge risk of them becoming lost in the powers they seek to control."

Something cold washed through him. You are her anchor, her reality, Jes had warned. "I'm not a walker."

"No," O'Hearn agreed. "But I've talked to your father, and I checked your genetic background. It's highly possible that there is walker blood in your line."

"Meaning what?" The question came out harsh and was, in some ways, inane. He understood the implications clearly enough. He just didn't want to face them.

"Meaning," Karl said softly. "That's it's possible that you and Sam are destined to be a pair and there's not one damn thing either of you can do about it."


Sam met Gabriel's gaze. Though there was absolutely no emotion on his face or in his hazel eyes, his horror washed through her mind like lava.

He'd spent half his life fighting a similar bond with his twin, and he was not likely to accept it with her.

Not that she wanted to be tied to anyone right now, either.

Her social life might suck, but being alone was far better than being forced into the company of a man who didn't want to be there.

Damn it, why was nothing ever simple in her life?

Right now, she wasn't sure whether she should laugh or cry or rant at the heavens and fate itself for throwing so many spanners her way.

She glanced back to Karl. "What exactly did your uncle say about the walker pairing?"

Karl sipped his coffee, as if considering the question.

Though it was more likely he was considering how to phrase his reply without upsetting anyone, she decided.

"He said it was destiny. That, in much the same manner as a shapechanger, they pair for life. They share thoughts, and to a lesser extent, powers, and even when apart, they know what the other is feeling or doing."

"Two halves of a whole," Gabriel murmured. But he wasn't looking at her, wasn't looking at anyone. His gaze was withdrawn, internal. He was seeing—remembering—things none of them were privy to.

And yet his words sent a chill through her. Joe had said that exact same thing more than once. And he certainly hadn't been referring to Gabriel and her.

"So, simply because Gabriel can see me when I fade into shadow, you're presuming he's my…What did you call it?


Karl nodded. "That, plus the fact you've formed a connection, despite Gabriel's efforts to stop it."

"A connection that is entirely one-sided, I assure you."

Which was not exactly true, but damn it, she couldn't help fighting the finality of Karl's words. Life had thrown some pretty shitty things at her lately, but being stuck with a man who really didn't want her in his life had to be one of the worst.

And it didn't matter a damn just how much she was attracted to him. Being forced together would destroy any chance she had of changing his mind.

"Since your abilities are still in their growth stage, perhaps that is to be expected," O'Hearn said.

"Or it could be taken as a sign that you are way off course,"

Sam said.