
"Because you believe a lie," he spat. He thrust a hand through his hair. Then he made what sounded like an anguished growl and walked away without a word.

She took a deep breath and released it slowly.

The war Jack had warned her about was about to begin.

And she was stuck in the middle between a brother she couldn't support and a man who would do whatever it took to avenge the death of the women he had once loved.

A death that had been caused by her brother.

It was laughable to think that she'd once believed that when she discovered who she really was all would become right in her world.

But nothing was right. It had all just gone straight to hell.

And it had taken whatever hopes she might have had about a relationship with Gabriel with it.

With everything that had happened tonight, with all that she'd remembered and discovered, it was that that probably hurt the most.

She blew out a breath and turned around. To discover Gabriel waiting for her at the end of the alley.

Hope ran through her.

He didn't say anything as she approached him, his expression neutral and the green-flecked hazel depths of his eyes giving little away.

She stopped in front of him. Her heart was beating a mile a minute, dread and hope combining to make her stomach churn. But she somehow kept her voice calm as she said, "I cannot help my past. I cannot change what I am. And I certainly can't let you kill him." She hesitated, and added softly, "I don't want to die, Gabriel."

He studied her for a moment longer and said, "But will you help me stop him?"

"Yes." Because she didn't want this war anymore than he did. She wanted peace. All she'd ever wanted was peace.

And somewhere to call home.

"That's all I can ask for, then." He held out his hand.

She placed her fingers in his, felt the strength of them wrap around hers, and for the second time in her life, she suddenly felt as if she actually belonged somewhere.

It was such a powerful feeling that tears stung her eyes again.

She'd left the ruins of the Penumbra project believing there was something out there for her. Something, or someone, she needed to find.

Against all the odds, it seemed she'd found that someone.

All she had to do now was hold onto him.