Memory Zero(99)

As if to confirm his claim, a voice broke into the brief silence. "Flint's just left the Security Center. Heads up, everyone. Kazdan's around somewhere."

The voice, she realized, was Gabriel's, and it was coming from both her wristcom, which was sitting on the sat-link desk next to her gun, and Jack's.

"Indeed he is," Jack said, pushing away from the radar terminal. "Two minutes, boys."

The two men near the door raised their weapons. They were more robots than men, she thought.

The wristcom buzzed again. "Redfern, you there?"

Jack smiled as he glanced at Sam. "Indeed I am," he said, voice several shades deeper than normal.

"Flint's on his way. I'm heading up the stairs."

She opened her mouth to scream a warning and found the gleaming barrel of a pistol laser staring her right between the eyes.

"One word and you die. I swear it," Jack said

She had no doubt that he meant it. There was something very cold, something less than human, in his eyes. The vampire half of his nature was beginning to override his human sensibilities.

He kept the laser cocked and ready. Sweat trickled down her nose as she stared at the stairway door. The heavy sound of footsteps became clearer. Then the door was flung open, and Gabriel stepped into the room.

To be greeted by two rifles and a smiling Jack.

Gabriel ignored them, his gaze searching the room. Relief ran through his eyes when he saw her. She realized that he'd known about the trap and had willingly walked into it to see if she was safe.

Warmth ran through her, momentarily wiping away her pain.

"And the whole family's together again," Jack said sardonically. "Stern, release the weapon and wristcom."

Gabriel dangled the laser on one finger and allowed the man on his left to take the wristcom. "Nice disguise, Kazdan. Wouldn't have known you."

"Obviously not. I'm here, and you're my prisoner. Check him."

Gabriel kept his arms raised as one of the men patted down his sides and legs.


Jack pointed his weapon toward her. "Sit next to our bleeder, Stern, and don't try to warn anyone. Mike, watch them."

Jack walked to the elevator, followed by the two men who'd been stationed near the door. Gabriel sat down beside Sam, close enough that his shoulder brushed hers. His gaze was both calculating and concerned when it met hers. "How's the shoulder?"


"Lost a little blood."

He was making small talk, she realized, probably trying to put their guard at ease. If he'd willingly walked into a trap, he obviously had a plan to get them out. She hoped. "But a hell of a lot less than the tower folk."

His gaze went to the pile of bodies. His fingers clenched and unclenched. "We've got a hungry vampire in our midst."

"So it would seem."

He nudged her shoulder, catching her attention again. He looked over his shoulder, down towards his back, then back to her. She nodded minutely.

Keeping a careful eye on both Jack and their guard, she slipped her hand behind his back, stopping only when the guard glanced at her. She feigned interest in what Jack was doing. A soft hum came from the elevator shaft — Flint was on his way up. The guard looked away.

Wriggling her fingers under Gabriel's shirt, she slipped her palm across the smooth warmth of his skin until she touched something cold and metallic.

Her gaze met his, and his smile was grim. Slowly, carefully, she pulled the duct tape away and slid the parcel down to the floor. Holcroft lasers, loosely joined by tape.